Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Catarina Miranda

Public rehearsals

After spend­ing two weeks with the “Accueil-stu­dio” pro­gram in the CCN, Por­tuguese artist Catar­ina Mir­anda will present Atsumori, a work in pro­gress which is part of her new piece. The piece, made for 5 dan­cers, was inspired by nô theatre and it com­bines dance and light design. 

Catar­ina Mir­anda is a trained cho­reo­graph­er and visu­al artist who is known for her install­a­tions as well as her dance per­form­ances in which she works on image, move­ment, voice, sceno­graphy and light­ing. Mir­anda also stud­ied nô theatre in Kyoto, which is the main inspir­a­tion for her new piece. The name Atsumori comes from a Japan­ese nô play writ­ten in the 15th cen­tury in which the ghost of a war­ri­or child killed in com­bat wanders on the bat­tle­field hop­ing to find ven­geance before com­ing to terms with his new iden­tity as a ghost. Mir­anda uses the codes of nô and the archetyp­al dimen­sion of its dra­mat­ic struc­ture to rework the nar­rat­ive in an abstract and power­fully aes­thet­ic way. Bod­ies wear shield-masks and stride along the space as if it was occu­pied ter­rit­ory, inhab­ited by memory and the rhythms of a fic­tion­al ima­gin­ary, haunted by past and future social con­structs. The cho­reo­graph­er works on a lumin­ous stage to wel­come the five per­formers of this ambi­tious piece.

Catar­ina Miranda’s’Accueil-studio’ res­id­ency is part of the dual res­id­ency pro­gram co-organ­ized with Porto’s Teatro Rivoli (where Calixto Neto was hos­ted this year) since 2018.

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Artist­ic Dir­ec­tion and Cho­reo­graphy Catar­ina Miranda
Inter­pret­ers Cacá Otto Reuss, Joãoz­inho da Costa, Lewis Seivwright, Maria Antunes and Mélanie Ferreira
Light Design Leti­cia Skrycky and Joana Mário
Pro­duc­tion and tour­ing Sofia Matos | Mater­i­ais Diversos

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Exec­ut­ive Pro­duc­tion — Vanda Cerejo | Mater­i­ais Diver­sos and João Brojo
Pro­duc­tion — Mater­i­ais Diver­sos & Diag­on­al Animal
Co-pro­duc­tion — Charleroi-Danse (Brussels/BE), Centre Pompidou/Spectacles vivant (Paris/ FR), One Dance Week Fest­iv­al (Plovdiv/ BG), Teatro Aveirense (Aveiro/PT) and Teatro Muni­cip­al do Porto (Porto/ PT)
Res­id­en­cies sup­port — AGORA (Montpellier/ FR), CRL — Cent­ral Elétrica (Porto/PT), Centro Mal­aposta Cul­tur­al (Oliv­al Basto, PT), Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die (Caen/FR), O Espaço do Tempo (Mon­temor-o-Novo/ PT), Teatro Viri­ato (Viseu/PT) and Teatro Muni­cip­al do Porto (Porto/ PT).


With Teatro Muni­cip­al do Porto Rivoli (Por­tugal)

Where and when

September 2023

  • 07
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Limited seating – prior booking is advised