Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.


The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Bless This Mess

Shows - installations

September 25, 2024


Our manifesto

Have a body of one’s own
Choose to set it in movement
Bring to bear one’s gaze on the world
Liberate the capacity for wonder, sensitivity, emotion
Awaken curiosity

Read the manifesto

And more

  • Ruth Childs

    Public rehearsals

    September 19, 2024

    Conception : Ruth Childs

    Cho­reo­graph­er Ruth Childs is work­ing on her first group piece, a tra­gi­com­ic dance in which move­ments, tra­ject­or­ies, sounds and voices are treated play­fully and musically. After recre­at­ing the early works of her aunt Lucinda Childs (four were presen­ted at the ccn …


  • Mathilde Monfreux

    Public rehearsals

    October 10, 2024

    Conception : Mathilde Monfreux

    Math­ilde Mon­freux and the Com­pag­nie des Corps Par­lants are work­ing on an inter­act­ive con­fer­ence inspired by con­tact impro­visa­tion, to ques­tion – in a humor­ous way – the bound­ar­ies between art, sport and dance. Developed in the early ’70s in the USA, con­tact …


Download our journal

Seeing, Dancing, Talking

A place for dance, accessible to all, where people come to see, dance and talk

Watch the video Download our journal