Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

What’s on

Shows — Installations

The cre­at­ive pro­ject of the Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die couldn’t be as broad and diverse as it is without the sup­port and diversity of our part­ners with whom we work in con­stant col­lab­or­a­tion to pro­gram pieces togeth­er or sup­port pro­jects that mean a lot to us. We thank them for their com­mit­ment towards dance and their under­stand­ing of the fact that a part­ner­ship has to evolve with each piece and each artist. The diversity of our part­ner­ships in the artist­ic and cul­tur­al field and the vari­ety of social issues we engage with allow us to deploy our activ­it­ies in a vari­ety of ways – through senses, polit­ic­al action, knowledge, …

  • Faits et gestes

    Shows - installations

    January 10, 2024

    Conception : Noé Soulier

    With Faits et gestes, Noé Soulier’s writ­ing unfolds in a kal­eido­scope of lively move­ments, echo­ing the Baroque music played on stage by harp­si­chord­ist Maude Grat­ton. Four per­formers embody this frag­men­ted vocab­u­lary for a per­form­ance that is both highly writ­ten and open to …


  • Gentle Unicorn

    Shows - installations

    February 21, 2024

    Conception : Chiara Bersani

    Alone on stage, Itali­an cho­reo­graph­er and dan­cer Chiara Ber­sani explores the fant­ast­ic­al fig­ure of the uni­corn. A del­ic­ate, subtle reflec­tion on the body and otherness. The uni­corn is sin­gu­lar in the sense that it is a myth­o­lo­gic­al creature without myth, without any­thing …


  • Temps de Baleine

    Shows - installations

    March 12, 2024

    Conception : Jonas Chéreau

    With Temps de Baleine, dan­cer-cho­reo­graph­er Jonas Chér­eau adapts his first solo for young­er audi­ences. A bur­lesque and poet­ic “met­eodance” to take the tem­per­at­ure of our moods. In 2019, Jonas Chér­eau cre­ated Baleine, a solo on cli­mate change, ima­gin­ing a danced met­eor­o­lo­gic­al study in which …


  • Contes Immoraux – Part 1 : Maison Mère

    Shows - installations

    from March 20, 2024 to March 21, 2024

    Conception : Phia Ménard et Jean-Luc Beaujault

    Alone on stage, Phia Ménard arms her­self with cour­age, determ­in­a­tion and tape to build a house out of card­board. Her per­form­ance is marked by an impress­ive ten­sion between the body and the ele­ments, cast­ing her as a mod­ern Athena. For the past …


  • L’homme rare

    Shows - installations

    June 4, 2024

    Conception : Nadia Beugré

    In a single move­ment, Ivori­an cho­reo­graph­er Nadia Beu­gré both offers up and con­ceals from view the naked bod­ies of five dan­cers. A dar­ing and rad­ic­al play on per­cep­tion and representation. Who is this rare man, to whom Nadia Beu­gré ded­ic­ates the set­ting …


  • Bless This Mess

    Shows - installations

    September 25, 2024

    Conception : Katerina Andreou

    For her first group piece, Kater­ina Andreou – who is asso­ci­ate artist with the ccncn – finds her impetus in the con­fu­sion and con­stant noise of the world. From this men­tal and emo­tion­al state emerge play, absurdity, fic­tion and poetry.  …


  • Not Here – extended

    Shows - installations

    November 5, 2024

    Conception : Florentin Ginot, Katerina Andreou, Emmanuelle Huynh

    Double bass play­er Florentin Ginot is a com­poser asso­ci­ated with the Caen ccn; he has con­ceived Not Here – exten­ded as a staged con­cert where music, space, light and dance inter­act, in col­lab­or­a­tion with cho­reo­graph­ers Kater­ina Andreou and Emmanuelle Huynh. Cre­ated by …



    Shows - installations

    November 8, 2024

    The ccn con­tin­ues its tra­di­tion of the Big Party, one of the high­lights of autumn in Caen, where dance brings togeth­er artists, teams and audi­ences. At the heart of this cel­eb­ra­tion of shar­ing and trans­mis­sion, Kater­ina Andreou will present two …


  • Eye of the Storm

    Shows - installations

    November 21, 2024

    Conception : Rachid Ouramdane & Seiko Dance Company

    Inspired by the unpre­dict­able flight of flocks of birds, Rachid Ouram­dane brings order and chaos to the stage. A hyp­not­ic kal­eido­scope, embod­ied by the Lithuani­an per­formers of the Seiko Dance Company. Cre­ated in 2021 as part of the Franco-Lithuani­an cooper­a­tion pro­ject …


  • Flocking

    Shows - installations

    November 23, 2024

    Conception : Joanne Leighton & Seiko Dance Company

    Inspired by pho­tos of crowds around the world, Joanne Leighton has cre­ated a visu­al score for the Seiko Dance Com­pany, embody­ing and deploy­ing a shared vocab­u­lary of jubil­a­tion, protest, ritu­al and dance. Bel­gian cho­reo­graph­er Joanne Leighton has been col­lect­ing pho­to­graphs of crowds from …


  • Los inescalables Alpes

    Shows - installations

    December 17, 2024

    Conception : María del Mar Suárez / La Chachi

    Accom­pan­ied on stage by musi­cians, a sing­er and a choir, Span­ish dan­cer María del Mar Suárez revis­its fla­menco, incor­por­at­ing krump in par­tic­u­lar. A power­ful show based on impro­visa­tion and con­ceived as a path to the sal­va­tion of the body. Fla­menco singing and music first occupy …
