Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

L’homme rare

Shows - installations

In a single move­ment, Ivori­an cho­reo­graph­er Nadia Beu­gré both offers up and con­ceals from view the naked bod­ies of five dan­cers. A dar­ing and rad­ic­al play on per­cep­tion and representation.

Who is this rare man, to whom Nadia Beu­gré ded­ic­ates the set­ting of a piece which premiered in 2020 at Mont­pel­li­er Danse? He eludes cat­egor­ies and asserts the sin­gu­lar­ity, mys­ter­ies and ambi­gu­ities of each indi­vidu­al. He sketches out an answer to the ques­tion: what defines and dis­tin­guishes the male body? On stage, five per­formers play with their nud­ity: almost always from the back, they deploy a vocab­u­lary linked to the sup­ple­ness of the pel­vis and sway­ing hips, derived from the research Nadia Beu­gré has been car­ry­ing out for sev­er­al years on cer­tain urb­an dances, not­ably in Brazil. The cho­reo­graph­er leaves them free to embrace the unex­pec­ted, to dance all the dances, some­times togeth­er, some­times left to their own devices. With gen­tle­ness and bold­ness, she pur­sues her research into iden­tity and gender, but not only: L’homme rare also raises ques­tions about the vul­ner­ab­il­ity of naked bod­ies, pub­lic expect­a­tions and the West­ern view of black bod­ies that have been com­mod­i­fied for cen­tur­ies. By show­ing them from the back, she hides them from view, play­ing with the tempta­tion of voyeur­ism in favor of the waver­ing of the obvi­ous, the gentle trem­bling of ques­tion­ing and interrogation.

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Cre­ation and cho­reo­graphy Nadia Beu­gré Per­formers Lucas Nicot, Daou­da Kei­ta, Nadim Bah­soun, Tahi Vadel Guei, Mari­us Moguiba Tech and light­ing dir­ect­or Antho­ny Mer­laud Music Serge Gains­bourg, Lucas Nicot, drums by Obilo Con­sult­ant Faus­tin Linyekula Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion : Libr’Arts / Vir­gi­nie Dupray, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Lati­tudes Contem­po­raines et Stu­dios Kabako
Copro­duc­tion : Kuns­ten­fes­ti­val­de­sarts, Bruxelles, Bel­gique ; Théâtre de la Ville, Fes­ti­val d’Automne à Par­is, France ; Mont­pel­lier Danse 2019/2020 res­id­ency in l’Agora, cité inter­na­tio­nale de la danse, with the sup­port of the BNP Pari­bas Foun­da­tion; CCN2, Centre Cho­ré­gra­phique Natio­nal de Gre­noble ; Centre Cho­ré­gra­phique Natio­nal d’Orléans ; Kuns­ten­cen­trum­Voo­ruit, Gand, Bel­gique ; Musée de la Danse, Centre Cho­ré­gra­phique Natio­nal de Rennes et de Bre­tagne ; BIT Tea­ter garas­jen, Ber­gen, Nor­vège ; Théâtre de Nîmes. With the sup­port of L’échangeur CDCN Hauts de France (Stu­dio Libre), Châ­teau-Thi­er­­ry. DRAC Occi­ta­nie (Aide à la reprise) – Min­istry of Cul­ture. Libr’Arts has received the sup­port of DRAC Occi­ta­nie (sup­por­ted artists).


with Théâtre de Caen

Where and when

June 2024

  • 04
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm


théâtre de Caen
Tarifs de 6 à 18€
02 31 30 48 00 (du mardi au samedi, de 13h à 18h30)

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