Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Projects supported

“Tout-terrain” collection

The Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die com­mis­sions and pro­duces “tout-ter­rain” dance pieces to reach and engage with inhab­it­ants liv­ing in a vari­ety of areas. These pieces attest to our com­mit­ment to reach­ing out to areas that for vari­ous reas­ons are sel­dom or not at all exposed to dance. These pieces are extraordin­ar­ily var­ied and can be per­formed any­where (hence the name “tout-ter­rain”), from vil­lage halls to the com­mons, from his­tor­ic­al sites and monu­ments to parks or tour­ist­ic sites. Our goal is that by bring­ing dance out of its pre­scribed per­form­ance spaces, a vari­ety of people can have access to con­tem­por­ary dance.

First piece in the “tout-ter­rain Col­lec­tion : Vivace — Alban Richard, March 2018
Second piece in the “tout-ter­rain Col­lec­tion : Impres­sions, nou­vel accrochage — Her­man Diephu­is, Novem­ber 2019
Third piece in the “tout-ter­rain Col­lec­tion : Fantas­ie minor — Marco da Silva Fer­reira, May 2022

  • Vivace

    “Tout-terrain” collection

    from December 1, 2017 to June 7, 2025

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 17 and 18 March 2018

    Creation place : Théâtre municipal d’Avranches et Salle du Rex, Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët

    Lively! It starts with a Madis­on, a play­ful, upbeat little line dance, the star of the dance­floors. But Vivace has plenty sur­prises in store for us: to a back­ground of high-tempo pop, baroque and elec­tro, the cho­reo­graphy blos­soms into an aston­ish­ing jour­ney through …


  • Fantasie minor

    “Tout-terrain” collection

    from May 31, 2022 to June 5, 2025

    Conception : Marco da Silva Ferreira

    Created in : le 31 mai 2022 à la halle 901 de Saint-Pierre-Église et le 1er juin 2022 à la salle des fêtes de Montebourg, avec Le Trident, scène nationale de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

    Above all, two dan­cers, who take over the stage as if they were con­quer­ing a vacant space. In all their heav­i­ness, they assume their con­tra­dic­tions in response to the sug­ges­tions of the twirl­ing notes of the music: bad-boy atti­tudes, bent backs, …


  • Impressions, nouvel accrochage

    “Tout-terrain” collection

    from July 11, 2019 to May 18, 2024

    Conception : Herman Diephuis

    Created in : 15 novembre 2019

    Creation place : Théâtre d’Avranches

    The power of images Plunging into paint­ing to cre­ate dance… The cho­reo­graph­er Her­man Diephu­is, an expert in embody­ing images, which he draws from sources ran­ging from ancient paint­ing to pho­to­graphy, likes to cre­ate stor­ies by anim­at­ing bod­ies with an ever …
