Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Alban Richard

Commissioned work

Alban Richard is also reg­u­larly invited by com­pan­ies and struc­tures for whom he cre­ates or trans­mits cho­reo­graph­ic pieces. He is con­sul­ted by bal­lets, nation­al or inter­na­tion­al com­pan­ies, and theatres to design spe­cif­ic pieces ded­ic­ated to their ensembles or their venues.

  • the departed Heart

    Commissioned work

    from May 23, 2019 to November 18, 2019

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 23 et 24 mai 2019

    Creation place : Studio Carte Blanche, Bergen (NO)

    Echo Flux is a double-bill pro­gramme pro­posed by Carte Blanche, the Nor­we­gi­an nation­al con­tem­por­ary dance com­pany, and based on the encounter between a cho­reo­graph­er and a com­poser. In the first part, the cho­reo­graph­er Alban Richard, is asso­ci­ated with the Franco-Argen­tinean com­poser Sebasti­an Rivas …


  • Breathisdancing

    Commissioned work

    from March 13, 2017 to April 14, 2018

    Conception : Alban Richard with Erwan Keravec and Audrey Chen

    Created in : 13, 14 et 15 mars 2017

    Creation place : La Pop, Paris

    Breath­is­dan­cing is a response to La Pop’s com­mis­sion-ques­tion: what would an “aug­men­ted recit­al” be? The pro­pos­al focuses on breath as a trig­ger for sounds, move­ments, affects and emotions. Three body-breath­er-instru­ment­al­ists meet and work from grids of music­al, tem­por­al and phys­ic­al con­straints set by …


  • HOK – solo pour ensemble

    Commissioned work

    from March 5, 2015 to March 21, 2017

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : du 5 au 8 mars 2015

    Creation place : Opéra de Nancy

    HOK solo pour ensemble is a cho­reo­graph­ic piece devised in rela­tion to the Hoketus par­ti­tion com­posed by Louis Andriessen. Ener­get­ic, bru­tal and hyp­not­ic, the music of Hoketus seems to have roots in hard rock and Strav­in­sky. Louis Andriessen speaks of Hoketus …


  • The Loss of Your Embrace

    Commissioned work

    from January 23, 2018 to June 16, 2018

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 23 et 24 janvier 2018

    Creation place : Le Merlan, scène nationale de Marseille

    Per­formed to a nos­tal­gic but elec­tron­ic soundtrack, The Loss of your Embrace takes the fig­ure of the embrace as a cho­reo­graph­ic motif. Two people hug­ging, fond­ling, embra­cing, kiss­ing, entwin­ing, car­ry­ing, hold­ing and bear­ing each oth­er. When con­fron­ted with loss or rup­ture, how …


  • Tricksters

    Commissioned work

    from November 20, 2014 to October 5, 2017

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 20, 21 et 22 novembre 2014

    Creation place : Grand Théâtre de Provence, Aix-en-Provence

    “I inten­ded to start off the 20th anniversary events for Groupe Gren­ade with an even­ing shared by three cho­reo­graph­ers and myself; when sev­en cho­reo­graph­ers respon­ded to my invit­a­tion, I was able to cre­ate two pro­grammes danced by the chil­dren and young …
