Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Alban Richard

Activations and Performances

Alban Richard devel­ops in situ cho­reo­graph­ic work. In con­tem­por­ary art, in situ des­ig­nates an artist­ic meth­od or a work that takes into account the site on which it is installed. Work­ing in this type of site-spe­cif­ic approach, Alban Richard devises per­form­ances whose driv­ing prin­ciples are the cre­ation of move­ments and/or sounds in con­tinu­ous cycles over a long peri­od of time. Gen­er­ally staged on plinths or ped­es­tals, they take place in a vari­ety of set­tings, wheth­er parks, gar­dens, her­it­age places or museum spaces. The pub­lic is thus invited to exper­i­ence and pro­cess over time the visu­al and sens­ory rela­tion­ship it has with the works.

  • A Sentimental Landscape

    Activations and performances

    May 17, 2024

    Conception : Florentin Ginot & Alban Richard

    Created in : Creation 2025

    Cho­reo­graph­er and per­former Alban Richard and com­poser and instru­ment­al­ist Florentin Ginot have embarked on a col­lab­or­a­tion in the fullest sense of the word, co-author­ing a piece that bring them togeth­er on stage. Bor­row­ing its title from the nov­el A Sen­ti­ment­al Jour­ney by writer …


  • Altered Dance

    Activations and performances

    from March 4, 2018 to June 21, 2022

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Gen­er­ate: to pro­duce some­thing, bring it about as an inev­it­able con­sequence, give rise to it, be its source. Altered Dance is a per­form­ance in which dan­cers dis­persed through­out space pro­duce move­ments, sounds, energy, pres­ence. In response to a pre-defined pro­tocol, the gen­er­a­tion …


  • Somehow Myself Survived the Night

    Activations and performances

    from November 13, 2014 to March 16, 2022

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 13 novembre 2014

    Creation place : Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris

    Body-ghosts, inhab­ited move­ments, par­oxysms of faces, bat­tle­fields, con­stel­la­tions of actions and rhythms, Some­how Myself Sur­vived the Night is a per­form­ance-activ­a­tion that works on the concept of haunt­ing. The dan­cers’ move­ments, closely fol­low­ing the music, are con­stantly inter­rup­ted in a ran­dom fash­ion, cre­at­ing …


  • The Weird Sisters’ Project

    Activations and performances

    from November 7, 2012 to September 21, 2024

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : du 07 au 10 novembre 2012

    Creation place : Abu Dhabi Art Fair (Emirats arabes unis)

    The Weird Sis­ters’ Pro­ject is a dance per­form­ance. Three men-women, three demons of fate placed on ped­es­tals in the middle of the vis­it­ors’ pathway. The per­formers con­struct a slow ritu­al dance inspired by tra­di­tion­al South­east Asi­an dances. For two hours, they sculpt …


  • Buées

    Activations and performances

    from May 21, 2016 to March 9, 2021

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 21 mai 2016

    Creation place : Cluny — Musée national du Moyen-Age de Paris

    Buées embarks the spec­tat­or on a labyrinth­ine jour­ney on which many scenes take place together. In this per­form­ance, the dan­cers draw from a repos­it­ory of medi­ev­al icon­o­graphy to cre­ate a dance filled with ges­tures depic­ted in stone and paint­ing. The spec­tat­or-vis­it­or is invited …


  • Combustion

    Activations and performances

    from February 13, 2014 to May 7, 2017

    Conception : Alban Richard with Félix Perdreau

    Created in : 13 février 2014

    Creation place : Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris

    A dan­cing body works for two hours to gen­er­ate sound and sweat. Fric­tion, com­pres­sion, heat­ing of the skin and burn­ing of the voice. …
