Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱


Activations and performances

Buées embarks the spec­tat­or on a labyrinth­ine jour­ney on which many scenes take place together.
In this per­form­ance, the dan­cers draw from a repos­it­ory of medi­ev­al icon­o­graphy to cre­ate a dance filled with ges­tures depic­ted in stone and paint­ing. The spec­tat­or-vis­it­or is invited to wander around the site to dis­cov­er the vari­ous dance spaces. Buées pro­poses a faraway exped­i­tion into a goth­ic world.

Buées is part of a cycle of per­form­ances that cre­ated since 2012. Designed for museum spaces, these two-hour activ­a­tions pro­pose dance as a visu­al work to be vis­ited. Spec­tat­ors can stay to con­tem­plate the work as long as they wish, walk through the cho­reo­graph­ic space without pay­ing atten­tion, linger or come back sev­er­al times dur­ing the vis­it of the site.

+ More


Con­cep­tion and choreography
Alban Richard

Altern­at­ing performers
Anthony Bar­reri, Cam­ille Cau, Nic­olas Chaigneau, Max Fossati, Massimo Fusco, Mélanie Gif­fard, Yan­nick Hug­ron, Alban Richard

Altern­at­ing musicians
Erwan Ker­avec (bag­pipes), Bri­gitte Lesne (vocals and harp)

2 hours

Professional contacts

Bur­eau Les Indépend­ances, Math­ieu Hilléreau
+33 (0)1 43 38 23 71 // +33 (0)6 80 50 40 21


May 2016

  • 21
    CRÉATION - Cluny - Musée national du Moyen-Age de Paris 8:00 pm