Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

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Week-end classes and intensives

Dance & Health (D&S) and Dance It Your­self (DIY) week-end events 

A series of week-end classes open to all to exper­i­ment with our bodies.
Dance & Health classes focus on (self-)care and inter­rog­ate notions of the body and well-being.
Dance It Your­self classes focus on spe­cif­ic dance styles.
Wheth­er you are an expert or a begin­ner, our events are open to all so every­one can con­trib­ute accord­ing to their skills and abil­it­ies and exper­i­ment new things with CCN artists or out­side the CCN, in Cal­va­dos, Orne… In 2024, all week­end events will be 20€/week-end, and some events will be sched­uled on Sundays, with a shared lunch organ­ized in the middle of the day for more con­vi­vi­al­ity between par­ti­cipants and artists.

  • Physical and Musical Games

    from January 27, 2024 to January 28, 2024

    With : Clément Lebrun

    This work­shop will be an oppor­tun­ity to play with sound, body and voice, to bet­ter appre­hend the diversity of today’s sound cre­ation pro­cesses. Through a series of cooper­at­ive games, par­ti­cipants will get a taste of the diversity of strategies that com­posers can …


  • I dance, you dance, let’s dance together

    from March 16, 2024 to March 17, 2024

    With : Alice Davazoglou

    A week-end offered in part­ner­ship with Biblio­thèque Alex­is de Toc­que­ville de Caen Sat­urday, March 16 4pm to 5.30pm in BAdT : dance and con­ver­sa­tion with Alice Davazoglou “I’m a nor­mal but ordin­ary per­son with Down syndrome”  Alice Dava­zo­glou is the author of I am …


  • Dance & ecology 2

    from March 23, 2024 to March 24, 2024

    With : Sylvain Prunenec

    A work­shop in part­ner­ship with Ter­ritoires Pion­niers as part of Chanti­ers com­muns and our Cli­mate residency. The Centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Nor­man­die and Ter­ritoires pion­niers offer you a new senss­ible adven­ture immersed in the Nor­man sea strip. In Asnelles …


  • Talking, dancing, laughing

    from April 13, 2024 to April 14, 2024

    With : Nicolas Chaigneau

    This work­shop will focus on the prin­ciples of com­pos­i­tion and impro­visa­tion in rela­tion to the vari­ous cre­ations of Cie pjpp, based in Le Havre. With ser­i­ous­ness as well as light­ness, the aim is to use dance and theat­er as tools …


  • [Sold out] Lambada dance

    from December 7, 2024 to December 8, 2024

    With : Jérémy Martinez

    After the suc­cess of the “Dis­co Dance” event in 2023, Jéré­my Mar­ti­nez, from the ÈS Col­lect­ive, is back this year with a new event organ­ized around the Lam­ba­da, the top­ic of his new piece sched­uled for 2025. The Lam­ba­da is first …


  • Human Beatbox with Ezra

    from November 16, 2024 to November 17, 2024

    With : Ezra

    “Human Beat­box” is a vocal art access­ible to all, regard­less of age, cul­ture or means, and it is cer­tainly the old­est music­al prac­tice in the world! Ezra pro­poses to share his exper­i­ence of this prac­tice through the explor­a­tion of the vocal …
