Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

I dance, you dance, let’s dance together

Week-end classes and intensives

A week-end offered in part­ner­ship with Biblio­thèque Alex­is de Toc­que­ville de Caen

Sat­urday, March 16 4pm to 5.30pm in BAdT : dance and con­ver­sa­tion with Alice Davazoglou
“I’m a nor­mal but ordin­ary per­son with Down syndrome” 

Alice Dava­zo­glou is the author of I am Alice Davazoglou/I’m a nor­mal but ordin­ary per­son with Dwon syn­drome. The book evokes her career and her rela­tion­ship with dance, and also por­trays her dan­cer friends. The book’s fun­da­ment­al inten­tion is for “people to get to know us bet­ter, we people with a men­tal dis­ab­il­ity”, and to affirm that “we can have tal­ents, even if we need help some­times”. Read­ings and a danced impro­visa­tion will allow par­ti­cipants to enter Alice Dav­azo­glou’s world and to exper­i­ence the evid­ence of the encounter. It will be fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion anim­ated by Alban Richard.

Sunday, March 17, from 10am to 3.30pm in the CCN : cho­reo­graphy work­shop with Alice Davazoglou
Alice Dava­zo­glou, accom­pan­ied by Fran­çoise Dava­zo­glou and A­gathe Lacorne, will invite you to join « her dance ».

Based on impro­visa­tion and instant com­pos­i­tions, they will bring into play rela­tion­ships to time, space, self, the oth­er and the group. With­in a com­mon frame­work of explor­a­tion, the ima­gin­ary and move­ment of each indi­vidu­al will be able to unfold. No pre­requis­ites oth­er than curi­os­ity, open­ness and a love of move­ment are required. This work­shop is open to every­one, regard­less of dance exper­i­ence, age, aptitude or situation.

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Price 20€


Avec la Bib­lio­thèque Alex­is de Toc­queville, Caen la mer

Where and when

March 2024

  • 16
    Bibliothèque Alexis de Tocqueville, Caen 4:00 pm
  • 17
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 10:00 am