Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Dance & ecology 2

Week-end classes and intensives

A work­shop in part­ner­ship with Ter­ritoires Pion­niers as part of Chanti­ers com­muns and our Cli­mate residency.
The Centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Nor­man­die and Ter­ritoires pion­niers offer you a new senss­ible adven­ture immersed in the Nor­man sea strip. In Asnelles and Saint-Côme-de-Fres­né, beaches, cliffs and human set­tle­ments are among the areas most vul­ner­able to the retreat of the coastline.
With guest cho­reo­graph­er Sylvain Prunenec, we’ll be explor­ing the place of our bod­ies in the rhythm of the tides, in these fra­gile land­scapes in flux, in the face of the already per­cept­ible effects of cli­mate change.
Togeth­er, we’ll be able to exper­i­ence the land in all its senses, and dis­cuss the chal­lenges of tomor­row, with a view to col­lect­ively rethink and trans­form the way we live in Nor­mandy. An invit­a­tion to dance and incor­por­ate the eras­ure of part of the coast­line linked to rising waters on the future car­to­graphy of the Asnelles-Sur-Mer territory.

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Price 20€


Avec Ter­ri­toires pion­niers | Mai­son de l’architecture – Nor­man­die pour Chanti­ers communs

Where and when

March 2024

  • 23
    en extérieur 2:00 pm
  • 24
    en extérieur 11:00 am