Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱


Commissioned by La Pop, the new venue for staging music

Commissioned work

Breath­is­dan­cing is a response to La Pop’s com­mis­sion-ques­tion: what would an “aug­men­ted recit­al” be?
The pro­pos­al focuses on breath as a trig­ger for sounds, move­ments, affects and emotions.
Three body-breath­er-instru­ment­al­ists meet and work from grids of music­al, tem­por­al and phys­ic­al con­straints set by Alban Richard, with the sole object­ive of con­stantly gen­er­at­ing sound and move­ment. To gen­er­ate is to pro­duce some­thing, to make it an ines­cap­able con­sequence, to engender it, to be its source.
It is the atten­tion of the three per­formers man­u­fac­tur­ing this sound sculp­ture that determ­ines, in the moment, the pos­sib­il­it­ies of the movements.
The sounds they pro­duce accu­mu­late to cre­ate a mass, spec­tral music, an ima­gin­ary landscape.
Con­stantly trans­form­ing, this magma of tex­tures, qual­it­ies and rhythms, forces the audi­ence to redefine their bear­ings or to lose them­selves in this hybrid sound mapping.

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Devised by
Alban Richard

Per­formed by
Erwan Ker­avec – bagpipes
Alban Richard – dance and vocals
Audrey Chen – vocals

Exec­ut­ive pro­duced by the Centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Normandie
Co-pro­duced by La Pop
This pro­duc­tion benefited from the use of a stu­dio at the CND – Centre nation­al de la danse

We would like to thank Mari­am Wal­lentin for her par­ti­cip­a­tion in the production.


March 2017

  • 13
    CRÉATION - La Pop, Paris, Festival Séquence Danse, avec le Centquatre-Paris 7:30 pm
  • 14
    CRÉATION - La Pop, Paris, Festival Séquence Danse, avec le Centquatre-Paris 7:30 pm
  • 15
    CRÉATION - La Pop, Paris, Festival Séquence Danse, avec le Centquatre-Paris 7:30 pm

November 2017