Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Contes Immoraux – Part 1 : Maison Mère

Shows - installations

Alone on stage, Phia Ménard arms her­self with cour­age, determ­in­a­tion and tape to build a house out of card­board. Her per­form­ance is marked by an impress­ive ten­sion between the body and the ele­ments, cast­ing her as a mod­ern Athena.

For the past 25 years, Phia Ménard and her com­pany Non Nova have been work­ing around the notions of trans­form­a­tion, erosion or sub­lim­a­tion of nat­ur­al mater­i­als (such as ice, water, steam, wind) and their implic­a­tions for human beha­vi­or. Mais­on Mère is the first part of La Tri­lo­gie des Contes Immor­aux (for Europe), com­mis­sioned by doc­u­menta 14, Kas­sel’s five-year con­tem­por­ary art fest­iv­al, around the theme of “Learn­ing from Athens, for a Par­lia­ment of Bod­ies”. Cir­cus artist and visu­al artist Phia Ménard grapples with a giant sheet of card­board, a few yards of tape and some spikes. With a sure hand, she spreads out, traces, cuts, assembles, lays down, then repeats the pro­cess until the equa­tion is per­fect. But who is she? A mor­tal or a myth? Built with her bare hands, her card­board house resembles a make­shift Parthen­on, a pre­cari­ous shel­ter for the most fra­gile, those whom Europe leaves on its mar­gins (the Greek, drown­ing in debt and under European tutel­age) or those it refuses to wel­come with dig­nity (migrants). Halfway between the fig­ure of Athena, pro­tect­or of the city, and that of Sis­yphus, con­demned to keep on work­ing, Phia Ménard deliv­ers a strik­ing performance.

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Cre­ation and sta­ging Phia Ménard et Jean-Luc Beau­jault Sta­ging Phia Ménard Per­form­ance Phia Ménard Sound design Ivan Rous­sel Sound tech, altern­ately Ivan Rous­sel, Mateo Prov­ost Stage tech, altern­ately Pierre Blan­chet, Rodol­phe Thi­baud, Dav­id Leb­lanc, Cla­risse Delile Cos­tumes and accessor­ies Fabrice Ilia Leroy Photogra­phy Jean-Luc Beau­jault Co-dir­ec­t­or, admi­nis­tra­tor and head of dif­fu­sion Claire Mas­son­net Gen­er­al tech­ni­cian Oli­vier Gic­qui­aud Pro­duc­tion and Admin­is­trat­ive assist­ant Con­stance Winck­ler Com­mu­nic­a­tion and deputy pro­du­cer Jus­tine Lasser­rade Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion : Com­pa­gnie Non Nova – Phia Ménard
Copro­duc­tion : docu­men­ta 14 – Kas­sel et Le Car­ré, Scène natio­nale and Centre d’Art contem­po­rain de Château-Gontier.
the present­a­tion of the per­form­ance dur­ing docu­men­ta 14 in July 2017 has been made pos­sible thanks to the sup­port of the Insti­tut Fran­çais and the City of Nantes.
Les Contes Immo­raux – Par­tie 1 : Mai­son Mère was awar­ded the Grand Prix du Jury in the 53BITEF19 – Bel­grade Inter­na­tio­nal Theatre Fes­ti­val 2019.
On June 22, 2020, the Syn­di­cat de la cri­tique théâtre, danse et musique has awar­ded the prix de la cri­tique in the Danse – Per­form­ance cat­egory to Com­pa­gnie Non Nova Phia Ménard.


With Comé­die de Caen – CDN de Nor­man­die and Fest­iv­al Spring

Where and when

March 2024

  • 20
    Comédie de Caen, Théâtre d'Hérouville 8:00 pm
  • 21
    Comédie de Caen, Théâtre d'Hérouville 8:00 pm


Comédie de Caen
02 31 46 27 29 (du lundi au vendredi, de 14h à 18h)

Tarifs de 10€ à 25€