Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Writing, space, movement, with Charles Robinson

Week-end classes and intensives

“Let’s do a little exper­i­ment. Dur­ing this work­shop, we will mobil­ize writ­ing, bod­ies, voices, breaths, spaces. We will observe the con­nec­tions, the bounces, the echoes, the pas­sages and the trans­form­a­tions that occur dur­ing a per­form­ance. We will be observing, shrewd, agile, sur­pris­ing. We will try to be mov­ing and funny. Maybe it will be very simple. We will go towards the pres­ence as one goes into the sea.”

Charles Robin­son has been a nov­el­ist since 2008 when Génie du proxé­né­tisme (Seuil) was pub­lished. Robin­son seeks mul­tiple exper­i­ences, and he writes books and nov­els as well as per­form­ances where arts, places and situ­ations are com­bined. He has a pas­sion for people and ter­rit­or­ies, and he is often moved by the strange way in which we dam­age our lives; he explores our his­tor­ies, our iden­tit­ies and our soci­et­ies. His latest pub­lic­a­tions include Dans les Cités and Fabri­ca­tion de la guerre civile – which are two instal­ments in a series of nov­els ded­ic­ated to an under­priv­ileged sub­urb­an hous­ing com­plex and its inhabitants.

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All tick­ets 20€

Sat­urday 2pm-5pm
Sunday 10am-1pm

For fur­ther inform­a­tion con­tact Isa­belle Richard
02 31 85 83 91 / isabelle.richard@ccncn.eu


Avec l’Imec — Insti­tut mém­oires de l’édi­tion contemporaine

Where and when

December 2023

  • 09
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 2:00 pm
  • 10
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 10:00 am