Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Artiste Associé

Florentin Ginot

Florentin Ginot is ded­ic­ated to push­ing the bound­ar­ies of his art, not only as a remark­able soloist and a lead­ing inter­pret­er of con­tem­por­ary music, but also in pion­eer­ing col­lab­or­a­tions with artists across genres and disciplines.

Praised as “cha­ris­mat­ic” (Le Figaro), a “breath­tak­ing vir­tu­oso” (Diapason) and “a name to remem­ber” (Le Monde), the double bassist has estab­lished him­self both as a soloist and with Ensemble Musikfab­rik, of which he has been a mem­ber since 2015.

He has estab­lished a new rep­er­toire for his instru­ment through close col­lab­or­a­tions with com­posers such as Georges Aperghis, György Kur­tág, Rebecca Saun­ders and Helmut Lachen­mann. He has appeared as a soloist at ven­ues includ­ing the Ber­lin Phil­har­monie, Köl­ner Phil­har­monie, Cité de la Musique in Par­is and L’Auditori Bar­celona as well as part of the Ber­liner Fest­spiele, Fest­iv­al Présences and Mani­feste Fest­iv­al in Par­is, Fest­iv­al Musica in Stras­bourg, Sac­rum Pro­fan­um in Kraków, Ultima Oslo and La Bien­nale di Venezia.

Since 2019, Florentin Ginot has instig­ated a series of col­lab­or­a­tions with artists from diverse tra­di­tions to look bey­ond genre bound­ar­ies and cre­ate hybrid pro­jects between con­tem­por­ary music, elec­tron­ic music and world tra­di­tions includ­ing pro­du­cer Helge Sten aka Death­prod, com­poser Stefan Prins, Palestini­an song­writer Kam­ilya Jub­ran and act­ress Valérie Dréville.

With his first solo album, Bach — Biber, released in 2022 on NoMad­Music, Florentin Ginot brings his unique genre-bust­ing per­spect­ive to clas­sics of baroque rep­er­toire, arran­ging solos and son­atas by Bach and Biber for double bass and syn­thes­izer. France Musique praised the album as “abso­lutely stun­ning”, adding that “his adapt­a­tion of Bach’s chaconne for viol­in leaves us speechless”.

The 2023–24 sea­son includes his solo debut at the Phil­har­monie de Par­is, with a live present­a­tion of his Bach — Biber pro­ject, as well as per­form­ances at Jazzdor Stras­bourg and the Fest­iv­al St-Denis. He will present the world premiere of a new solo piece by Clara Ian­notta in Florence and Cologne, as well as appear­ing in duo with elec­tric gui­tar­ist Yaron Deutsch.

Increas­ingly act­ive as a multi-instru­ment­al­ist and com­poser, Florentin Ginot will also present his com­pos­i­tion­al debut Dis­turb­ance, com­bin­ing mod­u­lar ana­logue syn­thes­izers with tra­di­tion­al instru­ments. The full-length work will be developed dur­ing a res­id­ency at the AIR pro­gramme in Krems, Aus­tria and premiered in March 2024 at the Théâtre de la Cité inter­na­tionale in Par­is. From 2023–2025 he will be asso­ci­ate com­poser at the Nation­al Cho­reo­graph­ic Centre of Caen.

Florentin Ginot gradu­ated from the Con­ser­vatoire Nation­al Supérieur de Par­is, and was a Laur­eate of the Banque Pop­u­laire Found­a­tion and Mécén­at Music­al Société Générale. In 2020 he was named “Music rev­el­a­tion of the year” by the Arts Journ­al­ists Syn­dic­ate. He is also the founder of HowNow, a pro­duc­tion com­pany devel­op­ing staged present­a­tions com­bin­ing con­tem­por­ary music with dance, theatre and circus.
