Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.


Shows - installations

The ccn con­tin­ues its tra­di­tion of the Big Party, one of the high­lights of autumn in Caen, where dance brings togeth­er artists, teams and audi­ences. At the heart of this cel­eb­ra­tion of shar­ing and trans­mis­sion, Kater­ina Andreou will present two ori­gin­al performance. 

In these polit­ic­ally com­plex times, and des­pite the fin­an­cial ten­sions faced by the pub­lic cul­tur­al ser­vice, the Big Party is back! As part of the 40th anniversary cel­eb­ra­tions of the Centres choré­graph­iques nationaux, this year’s event will be no excep­tion, invit­ing every­one to take to the dance floor to the rhythm of the music played by guest DJs. Work­shops, food trucks, sur­prises and artist­ic offer­ings will all be part of the party. What’s new for the 2024 edi­tion is that we’ll be push­ing back the walls, or rather invit­ing ourselves into the homes of our sport­ing neigh­bors. Our asso­ci­ate artist Kater­ina Andreou will be present­ing an ori­gin­al per­form­ance in the Halle aux granges roller-skat­ing hall, the res­ult of her meet­ings and work­shops with Caen’s female roller derby skaters. The per­form­ance is bound to sur­prise, hav­ing been ima­gined over the past two years, dur­ing which the Greek cho­reo­graph­er and dan­cer has shared her aes­thet­ic per­spect­ives with the club. Kater­ina Andreou will also present a new ver­sion of her per­form­ance Rave to Lament, a trib­ute to the golden age of 90’s rave cul­ture, fea­tur­ing a tuned car. This per­form­ance will be the fruit of a trans­mis­sion to young per­formers in the pro­cess of becom­ing pro­fes­sion­als, as part of the work­shops she runs in Caen. A car, rollerblades, music, joy and solid­ar­ity – the Big Party is on!

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More inform­a­tion soon !

Where and when

November 2024

  • 08
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 12:00 am