Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱


Shows - installations

Inspired by pho­tos of crowds around the world, Joanne Leighton has cre­ated a visu­al score for the Seiko Dance Com­pany, embody­ing and deploy­ing a shared vocab­u­lary of jubil­a­tion, protest, ritu­al and dance.

Bel­gian cho­reo­graph­er Joanne Leighton has been col­lect­ing pho­to­graphs of crowds from all over the world for over ten years, united by a col­lect­ive phys­ic­al lan­guage that dates back to the begin­ning of human­ity. These images inspired her to cre­ate a piece for eight per­formers, ded­ic­ated to these uni­ver­sal authen­t­ic and raw move­ments. Male and female dan­cers bring these pho­tos to life in scenes of jubil­a­tion, protest, ritu­al and dance, set against a sound­scape fea­tur­ing Steve Reich’s fam­ous Come Out, which plays on the deph­as­ing of an end­lessly repeated phrase, and tra­di­tion­al Lithuani­an poly­phon­ic chants. Their ges­tures are tender or pro­voc­at­ive, sheltered or exposed, between chaos and immob­il­ity, weav­ing a power­ful yet famil­i­ar phys­ic­al language.

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Cho­reo­graph­er Joanne Leighton
Music “Come Out” Steve Reich, “Flock­ing Score” Peter Cros­bie, Neringa Rekašiūtė, Elvina Nevardauskaitė, Eglė Plyt­nikaitė “Devynios lie­pos’, Akvilė Kalaušytė, Justina Jančiūnaitė ir Saulenė Peči­ulytė “Kūkal rože ratilio”
Cos­tume design Sandra Straukaitė
Light design Romain de Lagarde
Dan­cers Dovilė Binkauskaitė, Niels Claes, Gintarė Mar­ija Ūsė, Mantas Ūsas, Ema Sen­kuvi­enė, Inga Kuznecova, Vikt­or­ija Zobielaitė, Rūdis Vilsons, Oksana Griaznova
Artist­ic dir­ect­or of Šeiko Dance Com­pany Agnija Šeiko
Pro­du­cer Goda Giedraitytė

Dur­a­tion 1 heure

Pro­duc­tion team: Dari­us Ber­ulis, Greta Seiliūtė, Aus­tėja Montvy­dė, Edita Grigaitienė
Cop­ro­duc­tion: Šeiko Dance Com­pany, WLDN / Joanne Leighton
Pro­ject fun­ded by: Klaipėda City Muni­cip­al­ity, French Insti­tute in Lithuania, Lithuani­an Cul­ture Council
Part­ners: French Embassy in Lithuania, The Nation­al Cho­reo­graph­ic Centre of Caen in Normandy


Strobo­scope is used in the performance.


As part of the Lithuani­an Sea­son in France 2024, with Chorège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die for FLASH and in col­lab­or­a­tion with Fest­iv­al Les Boréales

Where and when

November 2024

  • 23
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm


Price 8€

Associated event