Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

3 against 2: Psycho Tropics

Shows - installations

Three per­formers delve into the heart of the mean­der­ing rain­forest, in a poly­rhythm of sounds, images and myths. Between geo­metry and psy­che­delia, 3 against 2: Psy­cho Trop­ics con­jures up new narratives. 

Indi­gen­ous Brazili­an writer and philo­soph­er Ailton Krenak describes the rain­forest as a net­work of inter­twined lives. Wind­ing paths, shad­ows, plants that kill and plants that heal, tangles of sound, roots, under­growth and branches: the forest seems to pulsate, whis­per­ing myths, breath­ing out rumors and mirages. This poly­rhythm inspired Mar­cela Levi and Lucía Russo to cre­ate a piece in which three per­formers weave a net­work of ten­sion lines and tem­por­al dis­tor­tions. Their move­ments seek to recon­cile geo­metry and psy­che­delia. The piece bor­rows from Old Way voguing – char­ac­ter­ized by line form­a­tion, sym­metry and pre­ci­sion inspired by Egyp­tian hiero­glyphs – as well as from the After­noon of a Faun (1912), in which Nij­in­sky drew inspir­a­tion from the move­ments of Greek friezes and Egyp­tian or Assyr­i­an frescoes.

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Con­cep­tion and dir­ec­tion Mar­cela Levi & Lucía Russo Per­form­ance and co-cre­ation Lucas Fon­seca (Legendary 007), Mar­tim Gueller and Romec Text Joana Levi Assist­ance Lucas Fon­seca Train­ing Lucas Fon­seca, Lucía Russo and Mar­cela Levi Light design and tech­nic­al dir­ec­tion Laura Salerno Sound design Levi & Russo and Gueller Cos­tumes Levi & Russo Sound tech­ni­cian Luciano Siqueira Dur­a­tion 45 minutes

Pro­duc­tion : Improvável Produções
Cop­ro­duc­tion : Jul­id­ans, centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die dans le cadre de l’Ac­cueil-stu­dio, Sítio Canto da Sabiá et Some­thing Great
Avec le sou­tien de : Centro Coreo­gráfico da Cid­ade do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria Muni­cip­al de Cul­tura, O Rumo do Fumo et Retomada Cul­tur­al RJ 2/Estado do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria de Estado de Cul­tura e Eco­nomia Criativa
Dis­tri­bu­tion : Some­thing Great


with Cho­rège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die, Fes­ti­val Danser partout

with the sup­port of Onda — Office nation­al de dif­fu­sion artistique

Double-bill even­ing:
3 against 2 : Psy­cho Trop­ics | Mar­cela Levi & Lucía Russo
Monday, May 19, 7.30pm, at the CCN

Fol­lowed by Deep Cuts | Bry­an Campbell
9pm, in La Coopérat­ive Choré­graph­ique – Sépul­cre de Caen

Where and when

May 2025

  • 19
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:30 pm


Tarif unique 8€