Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.


Shows - installations

On a small stage in the heart of an arena, beat­box­er Aymer­ic Hain­aux and dan­cer François Chaignaud make their voices and bod­ies go through an endur­ing, furi­ous and grace­ful ritu­al. A rhyth­mic­ally intense show. 

A mirliton is a kind of whistle for chil­dren, but it can also be an unpre­ten­tious poem, or a Louis d’or coin marked with the num­ber 2; it can also des­ig­nate mil­it­ary headgear or a pastry. Since 2023, Mirlitons also refers to a show, which premiered at the Fest­iv­al d’Automne in Par­is before tour­ing with great suc­cess in Europe and South Amer­ica. Both a ritu­al and a com­bat, the piece deploys a phys­ic­al encounter between two prac­tices: that of a musi­cian who engages in a highly per­son­al approach to human beat­box­ing and that of a cho­reo­graph­er influ­enced by the artic­u­la­tion of song and dance, informed by his­tor­ic­al research. Aymer­ic Hain­aux and François Chaignaud explore the ten­sions and rela­tion­ships between breath, the ground, the air, the feet and muscles.

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Concep­t and per­form­ance Ayme­ric Hai­naux & Fran­çois Chaignaud Artist­ic col­la­bo­ra­tor Sarah Chaumette Cos­tume design­er Sari Brunel Light design­er Mari­nette Buchy Stage man­ager Mari­nette Buchy et Antho­ny Mer­laud Sound engin­eers Jean Louis Waflart, Patrick Faubert Dur­a­tion 60 minutes

Pro­duc­tion Man­dorle pro­duc­tions (Garance Rog­ge­ro, Jeanne Lefèvre, Emma Fors­ter) Agence de dif­fu­sion à l’international PROPIC – Line Rous­seau, Mari­on Gauvent
Copro­duc­tion MC93 – Mai­son de la Cul­ture de Seine-Saint-Denis ; Fes­ti­val d’Automne à Par­is ; Char­le­roi Danse ; Mai­son de la Danse, Lyon – Pôle euro­péen de créa­tion ; NEXT Arts Fes­ti­val ; Thea­ter Rot­ter­dam ; Bon­lieu Scène natio­nale Anne­cy ; Trien­nale di Mila­no ; Kunst­Fest­Spiele Her­ren­hau­sen Hannover
With the sup­port of Espace Pasolini/Laboratoire artis­tique – Valen­ciennes for the res­id­ency; La Vil­lette (Par­is) – Ini­tia­tives d’Artistes ; Mal­raux, Scène natio­nale de Cham­bé­ry Savoie ; Les Aires – Théâtre de Die et du Diois, scènes conven­tion­nées d’intérêt natio­nal – « Art en territoire »
Man­dorle pro­duc­tions is the recip­i­ent of a grant awar­ded by Drac Auvergne-Rhône- Alpes / Min­istry of Cul­ture ; région Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Fran­çois Chai­gnaud is asso­ci­ate artist with Bon­lieu Scène natio­nale Anne­cy, in Chail­lot – Théâtre natio­nal de la Danse, in Mai­son de la danse and the Bien­nale de la danse de Lyon


with Cho­rège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die, Fes­ti­val Dan­ser partout

Where and when

May 2025

  • 20
    Les Halles (marché couvert), place Belle-Croix, Falaise 7:00 pm


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