Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Marcelo Evelin

Public rehearsals

For his new piece, sched­uled for 2026, Brazili­an cho­reo­graph­er Mar­celo Evelin is work­ing on an object which is halfway between a per­form­ance and an install­a­tion, in which the audi­ence will have its place.

Fol­low­ing on from the work and reflec­tions of his mul­tidiscip­lin­ary col­lect­ive Demoli­tion Incor­porada over the past 30 years, Mar­celo Evelin reflects on new scen­ic devices and oth­er con­di­tions of per­form­ativ­ity. BANANADA is con­ceived as a cho­reo­graph­ic and son­ic object that unfolds like a col­lect­ive rite, a shared exper­i­ence. The per­form­ance will involve voice, move­ment and storytelling, envi­sion­ing cho­reo­graphy as a cre­at­ive prac­tice shared by per­formers and audi­ence alike. In this respect, moments of resti­tu­tion of the work in pro­gress, such as this pub­lic open­ing, are of par­tic­u­lar import­ance in BANANADA’s cre­at­ive process.

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A piece by Mar­ce­lo Evelin/demolition incor­porada Concep­t and cho­reo­graphy Mar­ce­lo Evelin Cre­ation and Per­form­ance Andrez Ghizze, Bru­no More­no, Gui de Areia, Hito­mi Naga­su, Már­cio Nona­to, Rosân­ge­la Suli­dade, Vanessa Nunes Sta­ging ­ Caro­li­na Men­d­onça Sound Sho Takigu­chi Dur­a­tion : 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion Mate­riais Diversos/PT and CAMPO Arte/BR
Co-pro­­duc­­tion Fes­ti­val Dias Da Dança/Porto, Char­le­roi Danse/Brussels and AGORA – Mont­pel­lier Danse/Montpellier
Rési­dences ÁGORA, Mont­pel­lier Danse/FR, Centre Cho­ré­gra­phique Natio­nal de Caen Normandie/Caen and Devir/CAPA/Faro.

Where and when

April 2025

  • 17
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Réservations obligatoires, jauge limitée