Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Deep Cuts

Shows - installations

Cho­reo­graph­er Bry­an Camp­bell presents a jubil­ant cycle of ori­gin­al songs set in a carpenter’s work­shop. Sung, shouted or danced, the songs cre­ate a sin­gu­lar link with ecosystems. 

Deep Cuts began with a walk in the forest, when Bry­an Camp­bell found him­self hit­ting a tree long and hard with a dead branch and feel­ing an intense mix­ture of joy and anger. These are famil­i­ar sen­sa­tions – which take him back to his prac­tice of BDSM, a sad­o­mas­ochist­ic exper­i­ence between con­sent­ing adults in which love and viol­ence are inter­twined – that the France-based Amer­ic­an cho­reo­graph­er decided to sing and dance. His piece takes the form of a cycle of melod­ies, ima­gined as a 21st-cen­tury pas­tor­al, a react­iv­a­tion of this bucol­ic form that was revived in the Romantic peri­od, when the indus­tri­al revolu­tion called into ques­tion the exploit­a­tion of resources. With a pair of gloves at hand, garden­ing and DIY tools, saws and axes, a ham­mer and a plane, Bry­an Camp­bell manip­u­lates wood and binds togeth­er songs that are often funny, some­times mel­an­choly, dan­cing and telling (his)story in the same breath.

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Concep­t & per­form­ance Bry­an Camp­bell Light & sta­ging Bru­no Fauch­er Sound com­poser Aria de la Celle Gui­tar com­poser Geof­frey Le Goaziou Sta­ging assist­ant Léa Rivière Gen­er­al dir­ec­tion Géral­dine Michel Cre­at­ive assist­ant Oscar Houtin Lat­in trans­la­tion by Mari­on Dap­sens Film­ing Fox­ie 2000, Gaë­tan Rus­quet With music by Lud­wig van Bee­tho­ven, Sym­pho­nie No. 6 Op. 68, Simon Rat­tle and the Wie­ner Phil­har­mo­ni­ker ; Carl Orff, “In Tru­ti­na” ; Franz Liszt, “Années de Pèle­ri­nage : 1ère Année : Suisse,” Alfred Brendel Dur­a­tion 90 minutes

Thank you to Kate­ri­na Andreou, San­drine Bar­ras­so, Flo­rence Diry, Soph­ie Guis­set, Made­leine Samain

Copro­duc­tion: Les SUBS – lieu vivant d’expériences artis­tiques, Lyon; Mont­pel­lier Danse, with­in the frame­work of the Agora res­id­ency, cité inter­na­tio­nale de la danse, with the sup­port of Fon­da­tion BNP Pari­bas; Pôle-Sud CDCN – Stras­bourg ; NEXT Fes­ti­val. With the sup­port of DRAC Ile-de-France with­in the “aide au pro­jet choré­graph­ique” pro­gram. Stu­di­os were made avail­able by and in: Cndc-Angers ; Ate­lier des Marches / Le Bous­cat ; Le Paci­fique CDCN Gre­noble – Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes ; La Bri­que­te­rie CDCN du Val-de-Marne ; CN D Centre natio­nal de la danse Pan­tin ; La Place de la danse CDCN Tou­louse Occi­ta­nie ; Buda Kuns­ten­cen­trum ; Bal­let du Nord CCN Rou­baix Hauts-de-France ; Le Car­reau du Temple ; La Ména­ge­rie de Verre, Les Bazis (09).


with Cho­rège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die et La Coopérat­ive Chorégraphique

Double-bill even­ing:
3 against 2 : Psy­cho Trop­ics | Mar­cela Levi & Lucía Russo
Monday, May 19, 7.30pm, at the CCN

Fol­lowed by Deep Cuts | Bry­an Campbell
9pm, in La Coopérat­ive Choré­graph­ique – Sépul­cre de Caen

Where and when

May 2025

  • 19
    La Coopérative Chorégraphique - Sépulcre de Caen 9:00 pm


Tarif et infos à venir...

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