Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Et de se tenir la main (Holding Hands)

Shows - installations

Mélanie Per­ri­er explores the many mean­ings of the simplest and most uni­ver­sal ges­ture – hold­ing hands – in a lumin­ous and viva­cious cho­reo­graph­ic and music­al piece. A fam­ily-friendly show with and for children. 

What do these two men hold­ing hands mean to each oth­er? Are they broth­ers, lov­ers, friends, knights, saviors? From this mul­ti­fa­ceted image, cho­reo­graph­er Mélanie Per­ri­er draws the storyline for Et de se tenir la main: seiz­ing, wrap­ping, hold­ing, caress­ing, grabbing, soften­ing, accom­pa­ny­ing. Ges­tures glide into dance, in a con­ver­sa­tion with the joy­ful per­cus­sions per­formed live on stage by com­poser Didi­er Ambact. This energy and the tight links between dance and music form the heart of the piece whose ambi­tion is to train the gaze and the ear of young audi­ences, feed their ima­gin­a­tion and their per­cep­tion of the world. Our hands can con­vey the gentlest soft­ness and the worst type of viol­ence; they have a lan­guage, with its own vocab­u­lary and gram­mar, that we can learn to decipher. This sens­ory exper­i­ment was elab­or­ated under the watch­ful and act­ive gaze of a “children’s com­mit­tee” of 7 boys and girls aged 6 to 10 with whom Mélanie Per­ri­er and her dan­cers shared the vari­ous steps of their ongo­ing pro­ject in order to cre­ate sound­scapes togeth­er. Dance there­fore unfolds as an inter­ac­tion with the children’s words, con­front­ing per­spect­ives and open­ing new ones.

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Concept and cho­reo­graphy Mélanie Perrier
Dan­cers Yan­nick Hug­ron & Hugo Epié
Com­poser and drum­mer Didi­er Ambact
Light design­er Henri-Emmanuel Doublier
Lead tech­ni­cian and live audio tech Nic­olas Martz
Assist­ant, AFCMD con­sult­ant and dan­cers’ care Nath­alie Schulmann
Children’s com­mit­tee Anna, Mat­thieu, Julie, Faustine, Giulio, Anaé, Aurélien
Dur­a­tion 30 minutes

Cop­ro­duc­tion: Ren­contres Choré­graph­iques Inter­na­tionales de Seine-Saint-Denis, manège scène nationale de Reims, Points Com­muns Nou­velle Scène nationale de Cergy-Pon­toise, CCN-Bal­let nation­al de Mar­seille, Départe­ment de Seine-Saint-Denis
Sup­por­ted by: DRAC Ile-de-France for the Aide à la struc­tur­a­tion pro­gram, CDCN les Hivernales, Avign­on, Mair­ie de La Courneuve — Houdre­mont centre cul­turel, Le Pavil­lon Théâtre muni­cip­al de Romain­ville, Le Regard du Cygne Par­is, La Com­mand­er­ie — Mis­sion danse de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines


With the Théâtre du Champ Exquis, Blain­ville-sur-Orne, Fest­iv­al Ribambelle
Open to all from the age of 6

after both shows

With the sup­port of Onda – Office nation­al de dif­fu­sion artistique

Where and when

February 2023

  • 28
    ccn de Caen en Normandie (for school children) 2:30 pm
  • 28
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm