Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

[CANCELLED] Antonia Baehr & Latifa Laâbissi

Public rehearsals

With the piece Col­ors and Num­bers, Ant­o­nia Baehr and Latifa Laâbissi reflect on the vari­ous strategies for queer struggle against het­ero­norm­at­ive rep­res­ent­a­tions, in a per­form­ance they con­ceived as a series of liv­ing paint­ings com­bin­ing sev­er­al artist­ic idioms. 

How can norm­ativ­ity be decon­struc­ted in the arts? The first and most wide­spread option is to fight for the vis­ib­il­ity of mar­gin­al­ized com­munit­ies – queer, fem­in­ist, migrant, BIPOC com­munit­ies whose rep­res­ent­a­tion coun­ter­acts the exclu­sion­ary tac­tics of a white, main­stream, het­ero­norm­at­ive artist­ic estab­lish­ment. A second option, named queer abstrac­tion, con­sists in blur­ring the lines: these are artist­ic strategies of opa­city and cam­ou­flage, where vis­ib­il­ity and legib­il­ity are sub­ver­ted by dis­guises, infilt­ra­tion or phys­ic­al frag­ment­a­tion, to evade being assigned a par­tic­u­lar gender, col­or, etc… Can both options be com­bined? This is the ques­tion which informs the work of Ant­o­nia Baehr and Latifa Laâbissi. Their answer is neces­sar­ily a com­pos­ite one, and takes the form of a het­ero­gen­eous mont­age of scenes which bor­row from cab­aret, magic, stand-up or strip-tease. The two artists con­sider this per­form­ance as a suc­ces­sion of liv­ing paint­ings which are heav­ily inspired by the cinema. The sta­ging of the pieces draws inspir­a­tion from the first movies by Georges Méliès, where theatre and pho­to­graphy both have an import­ant role.

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Con­cep­tion and per­form­ance: Ant­o­nia Baehr & Latifa Laâbissi
Sta­ging: Nadia Lauro
Lead tech­ni­cian: Car­ola Caggiano
Light design­er: in progress

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion: Make up Pro­duc­tions & Fig­ure Project
Cop­ro­duc­tion (con­firmed): TNB – Centre européen théâtral et choré­graph­ique, Rennes / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Ber­lin (All), centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die for the Accueil-stu­dio program
Cop­ro­duc­tion (in pro­gress) : Hauptstadtkul­turfonds, Ber­lin (All) / Le Vivat, Armentières (Fr) / Charleroi Danse – Charleroi, Bruxelles (Be) / Vooruit, Gand (Be) / Théâtre de Gen­nevil­li­ers, Gen­nevil­li­ers (Fr) / Fest­iv­al d’Automne, Par­is (Fr)
Fig­ure Pro­ject is sup­por­ted by the Min­istry of Cul­ture – Drac Bretagne, as part of their pro­gram to sub­sid­ise com­pan­ies, the con­seil région­al de Bretagne, the Départe­ment d’Ille-et-Vilaine and the city of Rennes.

Where and when

March 2023

  • 23
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Limited seating – prior booking is advised