Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Calixto Neto

Public rehearsals

IL FAUX by Brazili­an cho­reo­graph­er Calixto Neto reflects on the idea of dis­pos­ses­sion and a body under the threat of erasure. 

In his essay Between the world and me, Afric­an-Amer­ic­an author Ta-Nehisi Coates devel­ops the idea that the black man in the USA lives in con­stant fear of los­ing his body to police viol­ence, street viol­ence or by renoun­cing his his­tory and his roots. This Nation­al Book Award 2015 recip­i­ent essay which was trans­lated in many lan­guages world­wide inspired Calixto Neto to won­der: which forces have the power to erase a body? Can we name, identi­fy and ques­tion these forces? When a body is ali­en­ated, who or what does it belong to? As an answer, the Brazili­an cho­reo­graph­er ima­gines the way an ali­en­ated body could move, how it could express itself, and which affects move it. IL FAUX is a solo about the risk of los­ing one’s body, danced by someone who is exper­i­en­cing that risk, who’s alive and able to embody a dis­pos­sessed body. The cho­reo­graphy works on dodging and dis­tan­cing, the aware­ness of being a mov­ing tar­get, and the idea that the body is per­meated by forces it’s not respons­ible for. The cho­reo­graph­er also uses verbal lan­guage, par­tic­u­larly through vent­ri­lo­quism, since a speak­ing body who can­not be iden­ti­fied as the speak­er can open new pos­sib­il­it­ies for discussion.

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Cho­reo­graphy, per­form­ance Calixto Neto
Artist­ic col­lab­or­a­tion Luiz de Abreu, Ana Laura Nas­ci­mento, Car­o­lina Campos
Pro­duc­tion Julie Le Gall
Light design­er Eduardo Abdala
Sound design­er Chaos Clay
Sets & cos­tumes Rachel Garcia

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Cop­ro­duc­tion (in pro­gress) Kun­sten­fest­ivalde­sarts Bruxelles, Charleroi danse — Centre choré­graph­ique de Wal­lonie-Bruxelles, Fest­iv­al d’Automne à Par­is, Centre Nation­al de la Danse, ICI CCN de Mont­pel­li­er, Theat­er Freiburg, Bal­let Nation­al de Mar­seille, CCN de Caen en Nor­man­die for the Accueil-stu­dio pro­gram, Cndc Angers
Sup­por­ted by Villa Alb­ertine, part­ner­ing with the French Embassy in the USA

Where and when

April 2023

  • 27
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Limited seating – prior booking is advised