Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Arno Schuitemaker

Public rehearsals

Dutch cho­reo­graph­er Arno Schuitemaker’s piece is about dis­tance and the rela­tion to oth­ers ; it uses video and a stage whose lim­its are blurry. 

How can we move for­ward and get closer to oth­ers? That ques­tion per­meates Remem­ber­ing the future, which first presents dan­cers who stay still in front of the audi­ence before they start mov­ing back­wards; behind them, the back wall moves and the space they dance in expands as its bor­ders get fur­ther apart. Remem­ber­ing the future takes the dan­cers and the audi­ence through some­thing which slowly expands, where the dan­cers seem drawn by some invis­ible cur­rent, ebbing and flow­ing, immersed in anoth­er dimen­sion. Move­ments expand too, as the dan­cers go in every dir­ec­tion, each with their own way of mov­ing. To devel­op this par­tic­u­lar rela­tion to space, Arno Schuite­m­aker uses video tech­no­lo­gies as an integ­rated ele­ment; a cam­era films the dan­cers live from the top, and these shots, asso­ci­ated with oth­er prerecor­ded images, are pro­jec­ted on the back wall. The black floor mir­rors their dance and cre­ates a space of mul­tiple pos­sib­il­it­ies, as the music and lights come togeth­er to rein­force this con­ver­ging effect towards the dan­cers and slowly abol­ish distances.

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Concept, cho­reo­graphy Arno Schuitemaker
7 dan­cers in progress
Com­pos­i­tion Aart Strootman
Artist­ic col­lab­or­a­tion, sta­ging Guy Cools
Light design­er Jean Kalman
Video, cos­tumes in progres

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion SHARP/ArnoSchuitemaker Cop­ro­duc­tion (in pro­gress) Inter­na­tion­aal Theat­er Ams­ter­dam-ITA (NL), Hellerau, Dresde (DE) / act­Or­al, Mar­seille / Théâtre Garonne, Toulouse / Le Phénix, Scène nationale de Valenciennes /
Les accueils stu­di­os CCN de Caen en Nor­man­die, CCN2 Gren­oble, CCN d’Orléans, Bal­let Nation­al de Mar­seille-CCN, Le Paci­fique CDCN de Gren­oble, Le Gym­nase CDCN de Roubaix, La Place de la Danse – CDCN de Toulouse, Pôle Sud CDCN Stras­bourg, La Bri­queter­ie CDCN de Vitry-sur-Seine
Sup­por­ted by Fonds Podi­umkun­sten (con­firmed), Fonds Ammodo / Fonds21 (in progress)

Where and when

June 2023

  • 01
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Limited seating – prior booking is advised