Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Artiste Associé

Katerina Andreou

Born in Athens and based in France Kater­ina Andreou gradu­ated both from the Law School-Uni­ver­sity of Athens, and the State School of Dance in Athens.
She atten­ded the pro­gram ESSAIS in CNDC d’ Angers and holds a mas­ter degree of Par­is 8 on research and cho­reo­graphy. As a dan­cer she col­lab­or­ated among oth­ers with DD Dor­vil­li­er, Lenio Kak­lea, Bry­an Camp­bell, Dinis Machado, Emmanuelle Huynh, Ana Rita Teodoro.
In her own work, she is inter­ested in devel­op­ing states of pres­ence sort­ing out from a con­stant nego­ti­ation between con­tras­ted tasks, fic­tions and uni­verses, often ques­tion­ing the rela­tion to ideas as author­ity and autonomy, com­mu­nic­a­tion and cen­sor­ship. She often makes the music design of her own pieces.
She was awar­ded with the cho­reo­graphy price Prix Jardin d’Europe, in Impul­sTanz Fest­iv­al in 2016 for the solo dance piece A kind of fierce. She then cre­ated the solo BSTRD (2018) and the duo Zep­pelin Bend (2021) with Nat­ali Mandila. In 2024 she cre­ated her first group piece called Bless This Mess in Brussels.

Kater­ina Andreou is Asso­ci­ate Artist at the Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die for the peri­od 2022–2025, accord­ing to the Min­istry of Cul­ture’s system.
