Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Collaborateurs artistiques

Martin Antiphon

Sound engin­eer, 3D audio design­er, pro­du­cer and com­poser, Mar­tin Anti­phon is leav­ing his pos­i­tion as sound man­ager at IRCAM in 2010 to join the Music Unit team. He already has numer­ous stu­dio col­lab­or­a­tions to his cred­it with Ibrahim Maalouf and his guests (Sting, Mar­cus Miller, Mat­thieu Chedid), Jean Louis Aubert, Rone, Her­vé, Jean Guid­oni and Juli­ette, as well as con­certs through­out Europe for Georges Aperghis, Kaija Saari­aho and Sebasti­an Rivas. On the strength of his mas­tery of tra­di­tion­al mix­ing tech­niques and spa­tial audio tech­no­lo­gies, Mar­tin is now work­ing on con­ver­ging his skills in the field of 3D audio.

Son projet