A participatory piece for 13 duos composed of patients and their loved ones
Shows - installations
How can we reinvent the relationship between caregivers and the people they care for, taking it out of the reductive perspective of illness and disease? Gathered around an original choreographic piece, 13 patient-caregiver duos perform their moving and delicate responses.
In the pairing between a patient and a loved one, illness is both what separates and what unites them, in an often destabilizing pas de deux. Anxiety, discouragement, exhaustion, aggressiveness, anger, frustration, the projection of one’s own feelings and anxieties onto the other, all contribute to creating a new relationship that can sometimes be a source of conflict. How can we find a new balance? How can we imagine setting up a duo (wife-husband, child-parent, friend-loved one) where a peaceful relationship with oneself, with the other person and with others in general can be established? This is the vast yet intimate field explored by the participative creation A MI-AMI, imagined over six weekends of workshops where experimentation and improvisation will give rise to scenes that may be danced, spoken or sung.
+ MorePartnerships
A project devised in collaboration with Espace de Rencontres et d’Information from the Centre François Baclesse in Caen and the association « C’est Ma Tournée – Les Arts Solidaires », with the support of DRAC Normandie within the framework of a call for project proposals by the Culture-Santé department.
Where and when
March 2025
ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm
ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm
Tarif unique 8€
La totalité de la billetterie sera entièrement reversée au service des soins de supports du Centre François Baclesse de Caen via l’association C’est ma tournée – Les Arts Solidaires.