Arno Schuitemaker
Public rehearsals
Dutch choreographer Arno Schuitemaker’s piece is about distance and the relation to others ; it uses video and a stage whose limits are blurry.
How can we move forward and get closer to others? That question permeates Remembering the future, which first presents dancers who stay still in front of the audience before they start moving backwards; behind them, the back wall moves and the space they dance in expands as its borders get further apart. Remembering the future takes the dancers and the audience through something which slowly expands, where the dancers seem drawn by some invisible current, ebbing and flowing, immersed in another dimension. Movements expand too, as the dancers go in every direction, each with their own way of moving. To develop this particular relation to space, Arno Schuitemaker uses video technologies as an integrated element; a camera films the dancers live from the top, and these shots, associated with other prerecorded images, are projected on the back wall. The black floor mirrors their dance and creates a space of multiple possibilities, as the music and lights come together to reinforce this converging effect towards the dancers and slowly abolish distances.
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Concept, choreography Arno Schuitemaker
7 dancers in progress
Composition Aart Strootman
Artistic collaboration, staging Guy Cools
Light designer Jean Kalman
Video, costumes in progres
Duration 1 hour
Production SHARP/ArnoSchuitemaker Coproduction (in progress) Internationaal Theater Amsterdam-ITA (NL), Hellerau, Dresde (DE) / actOral, Marseille / Théâtre Garonne, Toulouse / Le Phénix, Scène nationale de Valenciennes /
Les accueils studios CCN de Caen en Normandie, CCN2 Grenoble, CCN d’Orléans, Ballet National de Marseille-CCN, Le Pacifique CDCN de Grenoble, Le Gymnase CDCN de Roubaix, La Place de la Danse – CDCN de Toulouse, Pôle Sud CDCN Strasbourg, La Briqueterie CDCN de Vitry-sur-Seine
Supported by Fonds Podiumkunsten (confirmed), Fonds Ammodo / Fonds21 (in progress)
Where and when
June 2023
ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm
Limited seating – prior booking is advised