Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Bates Method and FM Alexander technique with Luigia Riva

Week-end classes and intensives

Pos­ture, gaze and free­dom are intrins­ic­ally linked.
Dur­ing this week­end, par­ti­cipants will explore “guided relax­a­tion”, and inter­rog­ate how to move and be present in the world without excess­ive ten­sion. This will involve per­ceiv­ing the dif­fer­ence between see­ing and watch­ing through a series of exer­cises designed to induce new responses in the body, thus fos­ter­ing good habits that can be applied in daily life, but also in dance or any oth­er artist­ic prac­tice. The aim of these exer­cises is to demon­strate the rela­tion­ship between cent­ral and peri­pher­al vis­ion, as well as the con­stant inter­ac­tion between relax­a­tion, move­ment, pos­ture and the gaze.

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Price 20€

Where and when

March 2025

  • 08
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 2:00 pm
  • 09
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 10:00 am