Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Breakdance with SNT Crew

Week-end classes and intensives

The CCN de Caen is team­ing up with Break­dance SNT (Style and Tech­nik) to pro­pose a work­shop that will intro­duce par­ti­cipants to the vari­ous facets of this art, its cul­ture and its uni­verse. At a time when the dis­cip­line is to become an Olympic sport and is gradu­ally recog­nized as a sport requir­ing high ath­let­ic skills, break­dance as a dis­cip­line is mostly devel­op­ing on an ath­let­ic level.

Do you dream of learn­ing the basics of break­dance, a fast-grow­ing urb­an dis­cip­line? Then join us for an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence and come break this week­end! You will learn the basics and express yourselves with ease, style and creativity.

A Caen-based break­dance asso­ci­ation cre­ated in 2007 by 5 young break­dance afi­cion­ados. The Style & Tech­nik col­lect­ive has been an asso­ci­ation since 2008 and its goal is to devel­op pro­jects to pro­mote hip-hop cul­ture. Thanks to its energy and unique dance style, the Caen group holds an import­ant place in the hip-hop battle scene. It has become a Nor­mand ref­er­ence after stand­ing out dur­ing battles all over the globe. This group aims at rep­res­ent­ing the city of Caen as well as France in inter­na­tion­al competitions.

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All tick­ets 20€

Sat­urday 2pm-5pm
Sunday 10am-1pm

For fur­ther inform­a­tion con­tact Isa­belle Richard
02 31 85 83 91 / isabelle.richard@ccncn.eu

Where and when

November 2023

  • 25
    CCN de Caen en Normandie 2:00 pm
  • 26
    CCN de Caen en Normandie 12:00 am