Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.


Shows - installations

Boos­ted by a phe­nom­en­al energy and densely per­cuss­ive music played on stage, the ten per­formers of the bal­let C A R C A Ç A com­bine club­bing ges­tures with move­ments inher­ited from folk dances.

Marco da Silva Fer­reira orches­trates a whirl­wind of ges­tures, music, light­ing and cos­tumes that pro­duces high doses of dopam­ine. The Por­tuguese cho­reo­graph­er, who was asso­ci­ate artist at the ccn de Caen between 2019 and 2021, deploys a par­tic­u­larly invent­ive vocab­u­lary here, where the foot­work of voguing and house coex­ists with move­ments derived from folk dances. The ten per­formers move in and out of the stage, vary­ing cho­reo­graph­ic com­bin­a­tions and chan­ging cos­tumes on stage. Per­formed in power­ful waves guided by a drum­mer and an elec­tron­ic musi­cian, dance is con­ceived here as a tool for research on com­munity, memory and cul­tur­al crys­tal­liz­a­tion. Caught up in a phys­ic­al and intu­it­ive flow, the per­formers form a col­lect­ive search­ing for an iden­tity. C A R C A Ç A gives a place to their indi­vidu­al his­tor­ies with­in a new, inclus­ive community.

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Cho­reo­graphy and artist­ic dir­ec­tion Marco da Silva Fer­reira Artist­ic Assist­ance  Catar­ina Mir­anda Per­formers André Speedy, Fábio Krayze, Leo Ramos, Marc Oliv­er­as Cas­as, Marco da Silva Fer­reira, Maria Antunes, Max Makowski, Mélanie Fer­reira, Nel­son Teunis, Nala Revlon Light­ing design Cárin Geada Sound tech­ni­cian João Mon­teiro Light tech­ni­cian Felipe Silva Music João Pais Filipe (per­cu­sion­ist) Luís Pest­ana (elec­tron­ic music) Cos­tumes Aleksandra Prot­ic Scéno­graphy Emanuel San­tos Antro­po­lo­gic­al stud­ies Teresa Fradique Por­tuguese folk dance Joana Lopes

Dur­a­tion 75 minutes

Dir­ec­tion de pro­duc­tion Mafalda Bas­tos Pro­duc­tion Joana Costa San­tos, Mafalda Bas­tos Struc­ture de pro­duc­tion Pensamento Avulso Dif­fu­sion ART HAPPENS
Cop­ro­duc­tions : Teatro Muni­cip­al do Porto, Centro Cul­tur­al de Belém, Big Pulse Dance Alli­ance (Por­tugal), New Balt­ic Dance (Lithuanie), Jul­id­ans (Pays-Bas), Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Alle­magne), Dub­lin Dance Fest­iv­al (Ire­lande) and ONE Dance Week (Bul­gar­ie), Cre­at­ive Europe pro­gramme of the European Uni­on, centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de de Caen en Nor­man­die dans le cadre du dis­pos­i­tif Artiste associé/ministère de la Cul­ture, La Bri­queter­ie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Mais­on des arts de Créteil, KLAP Mais­on pour la danse, CCN-Bal­let Nation­al de Mar­seille, Charleroi danse, centre choré­graph­ique de Wal­lonie – Bruxelles, Decem­ber Dance (Con­cer­t­ge­bouw and Cul­tuur­centrum Brugge), La rose des vents, scène nationale Lille Métro­pole – Vil­len­euve d’Ascq, TANDEM, scène nationale Arras-Douai
Sou­tiens : República Por­tuguesa – Cul­tura, DGARTES – Direção Ger­al das Artes
Accueils en résid­ence : À Ofi­cina, Bal­let Nation­al de Mar­seille, Escola Super­i­or de Dança, O Espaço do Tempo, Teatro Muni­cip­al do Porto


with Comé­die de Caen – CDN de Normandie

Where and when

March 2025

  • 06
    Comédie de Caen, Théâtre d'Hérouville 8:00 pm
  • 07
    Comédie de Caen, Théâtre d'Hérouville 8:00 pm


Comédie de Caen
02 31 46 27 29 (du lundi au vendredi, de 14h à 18h)

Tarifs de 8€ à 25€


Ren­contre avec l’équipe à l’issue du spectacle
jeudi 06 mars