[Postponed] Christine Armanger
Public rehearsals
With De Diaboli, choreographer and visual artist Christine Armanger explores the figure of the devil, from its historical depth to its contemporary stakes. Three performers (and a robot dog) indulge in an occult ritual that is in turns disturbing and grotesque.
In a thick mist, three hybrid creatures and a robot dog evolve in a supernatural vision, like a revival of the devilish revels of the Middle Ages. Assuming that the devil (both his name and the symbolic reality he covers) is more topical than ever, Christine Armanger draws on history, the arts and theology to draw out the myriad threads that link him to us, right up to the rise of new technologies and Artificial Intelligence (summoned here via the robot dog and a voice-over). In an organic writing style in which body, voice, text and dance are intimately intertwined, she explores a choreographic vocabulary linked to the round, the farandole, states of trance, jumps and leaps. She also draws on the playful repertoire of 15th-century diableries, games and simulacra. At once human, witches, satyrs, feminine and masculine, the three whimsical hybrid creatures tempt the devil by juggling symbols, references and registers. De Diaboli offers a nightmarish, oneiric plunge into a contemporary ritual that smells of sulfur and, by giving substance to our fevers, provides an outlet for them.
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Conception, text, staging, performance Christine Armanger Performer Romaric Séguin (ongoing) Lighting Philippe Gladieux Music, costumes, robot: (ongoing) Duration 1 hour
Production Compagnie Louve
Coproduction centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie, dispositif Accueil-studio, micadanses (ongoing)