Clarissa Baumann
Public rehearsals
In this solo performance, visual artist and choreographer Clarissa Baumann explores the anatomy of language, dissected into a myriad of gestures, sounds, images and sensations.
Conceived as a choreographic project open to various exploratory forms (installation, workshops, writing), bouche, bave, main takes language literally, both as a system of signs specific to a community of individuals, enabling them to express themselves and communicate, and as a fleshy, muscular organ. This dialogue between words and physicality gives rise to a choreographed performance in which Clarissa Baumann embodies all manner of mutations: a whole body becomes a mouth, swallowing, opening and contracting; hands become tongues, moving forward in space, sketching gestures in the air, following the contours of what is not or no longer or not yet. This desire to consider language in its physical, tactile and sonic dimensions is embodied in the acoustic work carried out with composer and musician Olavo Vianna, which gives body sounds their rightful place, from the textures of the voice to breathing, via the more subtle sounds of the stomach or saliva. Clarissa Baumann’s performance is set within a scenography that the choreographer and visual artist sees as an open space – open to traces of the project’s development (archive fragments, texts, objects) and to the public, who may visit it outside the moments of activation.
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Conception and performance Clarissa Baumann Collaboration and sound design Olavo Vianna Lighting and research ongoing collaborations Duration 1 hour
Production : cohue – Lucille Belland
Coproduction : 3bisF centre d’art ; Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie, within the Accueil-studio/ministère de la Culture program.
With the support of : Clarissa Baumann has been hosted by centre d’art 3bisF, for a residency with the artiste en recherche program from August 2023 to February 2024, with the support of DRAC PACA. accueil studio : BUDA Courtrai ; Honolulu (Nantes, FR) ; Théâtre de la Vignette (Montpellier, FR)
Where and when
April 2024
ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm
Entrée libre sur réservations – jauge limitée