Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Come Kiss Me Now

Creation 2023


“Come Kiss Me Now takes us through 17th-cen­tury Eng­lish music lit­er­at­ure, Robert Burton’s treaty The Ana­tomy of Mel­an­choly, and New Romantics cov­ers. Five study por­traits explore, dis­sect and meander through mel­an­chol­ic affects and reveal a mul­ti­pli­city of vari­ations around that humor. The piece com­bines recit­al, dance theatre, singing, ancient music and digit­ally-assisted music com­pos­i­tion, 17th-cen­tury tunes and New Wave songs, where violas de gamba con­sort with beat­boxes, opera singing, spoken word. Everything blends togeth­er, bleeds through, and pours into infin­ite and cir­cu­lar time.

Our endeavor is to pro­pose a col­lab­or­at­ive piece between dance, music, lit­er­at­ure, light­ing and cos­tumes with all the per­formers and cre­at­ors. It is a vis­cer­ally express­ive piece, whose dra­mat­ic struc­ture com­bines breath, song, text and a body moved by Melancholy.

A cho­reo­graph­ic poem with mul­tiple entries, Come Kiss Me Now pro­poses a reflec­tion on our rela­tion to death, to the fra­gil­ity and pre­cari­ous­ness of life but also our capa­city for con­tinu­ously explor­ing our trans­form­a­tions even when they are invis­ible to us.”

Alban Richard, May 2023

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Con­cep­tion, choreography
Alban Richard

Sta­ging counsellor
Anne Kersting

Assist­ant choreographer
Daph­né Mauger

Cre­ated and per­formed by
Chi­hiro Araki, Mar­ie-Suz­anne de Loye, Ezra, Alice Lada, Andreas Linos, Alban Richard, Céline Scheen, Sarah Van Oudenhove

Live music­al soundtrack
Max Bruck­ert, Cul­ture Club, John Dow­land, Eurythmics, Ezra, Orlando Gib­bons, Orches­tral Manœuvre in the Dark, Soft Cell, Visage

Ezra, Max Bruckert

Arranged by
François Joubert-Cail­let

Quentin Bonnard et Max Bruckert

Mar­ie de Quatrebarbes

Sta­ging and lighting
Jan Fedinger

Valentin Pasquet

Fanny Brouste, Rachel Gar­cia, Vic­tor Molinié

Yolène Guais

Stage man­ager
Olivi­er Ingouf

Eng­lish coach
Zelda Rittner

Dur­a­tion 1h40

Thanks to François Joubert-Cail­let, Nath­alie Schul­mann, Sebasti­an Rivas, Anna­belle Bon­néry, Carte Blanche Nor­way Nation­al Con­tem­por­ary Dance Com­pany, Mick­aël Phelippeau

Deputy pro­du­cer centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Normandie
Co-pro­duced with Le Théâtre, scène nationale de Saint-Nazaire
With the sup­port of Jan Michal­ski Found­a­tion for writ­ing and litterature

Professional contacts

Bur­eau Les Indépend­ances, Math­ieu Hilléreau
+33 (0)1 43 38 23 71 // +33 (0)6 80 50 40 21

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