Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Corps Sonores Juniors

Shows - installations

At the heart of an island of cush­ions, Massimo Fusco’s sound and cho­reo­graph­ic install­a­tion invites young audi­ences into a gentle, reflect­ive immer­sion. The stor­ies of the body are whispered in the ears and echo in the audience’s minds and bod­ies, amp­li­fied by the move­ments of the performers 

Bathed in a soft, warm light, beau­ti­ful cush­ions scattered like pebbles form an island whose hushed atmo­sphere calls for relax­a­tion. Supine in this haven of peace, chil­dren are immersed in a sound bath cre­ated from aug­men­ted nat­ur­al ele­ments and organ­ic sounds, dif­fused by a sys­tem of 8 speak­ers and a sub­woof­er. This phys­ic­al exper­i­ence of sound is doubled by head­phones, broad­cast­ing children’s and teen­agers’ testi­mon­ies in which the body plays a key role. Cir­cu­lat­ing around and at the heart of the group, two per­formers ima­gine a dia­logue between dance and mas­sage, in short cho­reo­graph­ic com­pos­i­tions that are both del­ic­ate and power­ful. They punc­tu­ate the per­form­ance, devel­op­ing the senses by allow­ing the audi­ence to oscil­late between aur­al and visu­al attention.

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Crea­tion Mas­si­mo Fusco Per­formers Mai Ishi­wa­ta & Fabi­en Almakiewicz Sound bath com­poser Vanes­sa Court Sound bites com­poser King Q4 Sta­ging Smar­in Pro­duc­tion & dis­sem­in­a­tion Ané­mone Pro­duc­tion / Mar­got Guillerm & Adèle Tourte Thank you to Mana­kin & Mor­gane Diedrich Dur­a­tion 45 minutes

Cop­ro­duc­tion les Hivernales — CDCN d’Avignon ; le Gym­nase CDCN Roubaix — Hauts-de-France ; la Mais­on danse — CDCN d’Uzès ; les Ren­contres choré­graph­iques inter­na­tionales de Seine-Saint-Denis ; le For­um Jacques Prévert à Car­ros. Avec le sou­tien de la Chartreuse de Vil­len­euve lez Avign­on — Centre nation­al des écrit­ures du spec­tacle et des Hivernales — CDCN d’Avignon.


with Théâtre du Champ Exquis, Blain­­ville-sur-Orne, Fes­ti­val Ribambelle

School stu­dents :
Thursday, Feb­ru­ary 27, 2pm and 3.15pm (for school students)
Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 28 9.30am, 10.45am and 2.30pm (for school students)

Where and when

February 2025

  • 27
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:30 pm
  • 28
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:30 pm


Théâtre du Champ Exquis
Tarifs de 8€ à 5€
02 31 44 08 31 (du mardi au vendredi, de 15h30 à 18h30)