Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Dance & Cider

Interdisciplinary projects

The CCNCN invites you to an artis­an cider tast­ing event where dan­cers will per­form pieces inspired by these dif­fer­ent types of cider, for a sweet start to the new year. 

After the Wine and Dance event in Novem­ber 2021 which explored the diversity of nat­ur­al wines, the CCNCN’s new fest­ive event will bring people togeth­er around artis­an cider. It is an occa­sion to take the road less traveled and dis­cov­er new ciders, to go bey­ond the tra­di­tion­al dry vs sweet cider oppos­i­tion, and to par­take in ori­gin­al music­al and cho­reo­graph­ic per­form­ances. Two Bre­ton ciders and two Nor­mand ones will be on the menu, and par­ti­cipants will be invited to taste them and attend the per­form­ances that were inspired by these very ciders. The pro­ject is the story of people com­ing togeth­er and shar­ing exper­i­ences: wine and spir­its retail­er Mat­thieu Dorr, dan­cers Con­stance Diard and Elsa Dumon­tel, and musi­cians Annie Lan­glois, Nic­olas Marsanne and Adrien Mel­chi­or will bring you the product of their one-week res­id­ency around these four ciders, whose aromas, char­ac­ter and stor­ies will be trans­lated into per­form­ance. Dorr will cir­cu­late among the cider-tast­ing audi­ence to present the bever­ages that the per­formers will then present on stage.

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Dan­cers Con­stance Diard, Elsa Dumontel
Musi­cians Annie Lan­glois, Nic­olas Marsanne, Adrien Melchior
Retail­er Mat­thieu Dorr

Dur­a­tion 1 heure

Pro­duc­tion centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Normandie
Avec le sou­tien de la Drac Nor­man­die, dis­pos­i­tif Convivialité

Where and when

January 2023

  • 19
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm
  • 20
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm