Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Dance Dance Dance

Projects open to the public

A large-scale piece for 120 loc­al res­id­ents to cel­eb­rate 10 years of par­ti­cip­at­ory cho­reo­graph­ic creation

For 10 years, the res­id­ent cre­ations of the Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die have been the back­bone of the cho­reo­graph­ic center’s pro­ject, reach­ing out to loc­al res­id­ents and adapt­ing to the spe­cif­ic char­ac­ter­ist­ics of each of the areas they have worked in. As Alban Richard’s 10-year man­date comes to a close, the Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen is invit­ing a hun­dred or so loc­al res­id­ents, past and present, to take part in a large-scale, ambu­lat­ory cel­eb­rat­ory piece. Alban Richard, accom­pan­ied by cho­reo­graph­ers Max Fossati and Mélanie Gif­fard, will over­see this cre­ation, con­ceived as a series of cho­reo­graph­ic epis­odes spread across dif­fer­ent sites in the north-west of Caen.

In Decem­ber 2024, an “apéro-inscrip­tion” to the pro­ject will take place: you’ll be able to register while shar­ing an aper­itif with oth­er pro­spect­ive par­ti­cipants. Then we’ll get down to work over 6 week­ends between March and Septem­ber 2025. Rehears­als will take place at the ccn as well as in situ, and the final per­form­ance will take place on Septem­ber 7, 2025.

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with the sup­port of Ville de Caen et de la Drac Normandie