Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Dance & ecology 1 “sensory landscapes”

Week-end classes and intensives

In the nat­ur­al site of la Roche d’Oëtre and the gorges de la Rouvre, this work­shop will inter­rog­ate the place of bod­ies in the excep­tion­al land­scape of Swiss Nor­mandy as the effects of cli­mate change are already tak­ing their toll on it. We’ll explore this ques­tion from the water, along the Rouvre, from the strata of the val­ley it has cre­ated and the life it generates.

A meal in the res­taur­ant le Cail­lou in the Roche d’Oëtre, in Orne, will be organ­ized to bring con­vi­vi­al­ity to the event.
Car­pool­ing from Caen will be available.

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Price 20€

Sat­urday March 11 2pm to 5pm; (in the Roche d’Oëtre)
Sunday March 12, 11am-4pm (on site)

For fur­ther inform­a­tion con­tact Isa­belle Richard
02 31 85 83 91 / isabelle.richard@ccncn.eu


A work­shop in part­ner­ship with Ter­ritoires Pion­niers | Mais­on de l’architecture – Normandie

Where and when

October 2023

  • 07
    Roche d’Oëtre/Orne 2:00 pm
  • 08
    Roche d’Oëtre/Orne 11:00 am