Dying on Stage
Executive produced by Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie
Dying on Stage
Christodoulos Panayiotou has chosen the form of the performed lecture to deal with the vertiginous question of death’s relationship to the stage.
How can death be represented on stage? Christodoulos Panayiotou’s work attempts to answer this question which underscores the history of Western theatre through a piece which combines theatre, a lecture and a performance, archival work and digressive introspection, where a broad referential network calls upon icons like Pier Paolo Pasolini, Dalida, Molière, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson or Rudolf Nureyev.
Using a variety of film and musical material, Panayiotou anatomizes the concept of tragic irony to delve into the enigma of the relation between spectators, actors and characters. Evoking urgency, bliss, menace, desire, Christodoulos Panayiotou blurs the lines between highbrow and lowbrow to confront the audience with the many faces of the inevitable. By examining the ballet La Bayadère staged by Rudolf Nureyev as he was dying from AIDS, Dying on Stage composes a mosaic, a score where the artist inserts his own subjectivity in the flow of the contemporary images washing over us – challenging conventions, paying homage to the theatre.
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Devised and performed by
Christodoulos Panayiotou
With the participation of
Jean Capeille (Chapter 1)
About 5h (2 chapters with an intermission): the first chapter of 2h30 – break of approximately 30 min – second chapter of 2h. Presentation of the project over a single day/evening.
Executive produced by Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie
Christodoulos Panayiotou is being represented by the Kamel Mennour Gallery and the Rodeo Gallery
French version and English version of the performance available by request.
Pedagogical files
Professional contacts
Catherine Meneret
+33 (0)6 86 86 65 27
February 2023
- 04
- 18
- 25
March 2023
[POSTPONED] ccn de Caen en Normandie 3:00 pm
- 18
Théâtre Le Pommier, Neuchâtel (Suisse) 8:30 pm
Théâtre Le Pommier, Neuchâtel (Suisse) 2:30 pm
April 2023
- 01
July 2023
[UK version] LUMA Arles 7:00 pm
[FR version] LUMA Arles 7:00 pm
November 2023
CCN Caen en Normandie 3:00 pm
May 2024
Théâtre National du Luxembourg 7:00 pm
Les Inrocks
« Une forme hybride, une lecture-performance illustrée d’une navigation en direct parmi les méandres de YouTube, afin d’embrasser toutes les occurrences de ce paradoxe suprême qu’est la mort sur scène. » Les Inrockuptibles, Supplément du Festival
Art Press
« Inclassable, la performance Dying on Stage (Mourir sur scène) que Christodoulos Panayiotou réalise à trois reprises dans l’auditorium du musée d’Orsay, dans le cadre du Festival d’Automne, est aussi inattendue que sensible, éclairante et parfois hilarante. » Art Press
« On en sort ému, traversé sourdement par un sentiment de gravité, compensé aussitôt par la consolante force de sublimation de l’art qui, en mettant en scène la mort, l’installe au centre de notre attention tout en la mettant à distance. » AOC
Ronan au Théâtre (2019)