Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Eye of the Storm

Shows - installations

Inspired by the unpre­dict­able flight of flocks of birds, Rachid Ouram­dane brings order and chaos to the stage. A hyp­not­ic kal­eido­scope, embod­ied by the Lithuani­an per­formers of the Seiko Dance Company.

Cre­ated in 2021 as part of the Franco-Lithuani­an cooper­a­tion pro­ject Klaipėda, and ini­ti­ated by the Caen ccn, the Seiko Dance Com­pany, the Insti­tut français de Litu­anie, the muni­cip­al­ity and uni­ver­sity of Klaipėda, Eye of the Storm explores the uni­ver­sal laws of chaos and order. French cho­reo­graph­er Rachid Ouram­dane drew his inspir­a­tion from the – anarch­ic or organ­ized – move­ments of street crowds like swarms of birds in flight. Com­bin­ing lifts, runs, spir­als, turns and uni­son, the dynam­ics at work on stage cre­ate explo­sions of energy and times of dilated ten­sion, as if we were in the eye of a cyclone.

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Cho­reo­graph­er Rachid Ouram­dane (FR)
Light design­er Jus­tas Bø
Light tech­ni­cian Aure­lijus Davidavičius
Com­poser Jean-Bap­tiste Juli­en (FR)
Dan­cers Oksana Griaznova, Niels Claes, Gintarė Ščav­in­skaitė, Evgen­ij Kalachov/ Arūnas Mozūrait­is, Inga Kuznecova, Mantas Čer­nec­k­as, Mar­ija Ivaškevičiūtė, Vikt­or­ija Zobielaitė
Artist­ic dir­ect­or of Šeiko Dance Com­pany Agnija Šeiko
Pro­du­cer Goda Giedraitytė

Dur­a­tion 1 heure

Pro­ject fun­ded by French Embassy in Lithuania, French Insti­tute in Lithuania, Lithuani­an Cul­ture Coun­cil, Klai­peda City Municipality


As part of the Lithuani­an Sea­son in France 2024, with Chorège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die for FLASH and in col­lab­or­a­tion with Fest­iv­al Les Boréales

Where and when

November 2024

  • 21
    Théâtre du Forum, Falaise 8:30 pm


Billetterie Théâtre le Forum, Falaise
Tarifs de 10 à 13€
02 31 90 89 60