Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Fantasie minor

“Tout-terrain” collection

Above all, two dan­cers, who take over the stage as if they were con­quer­ing a vacant space. In all their heav­i­ness, they assume their con­tra­dic­tions in response to the sug­ges­tions of the twirl­ing notes of the music: bad-boy atti­tudes, bent backs, legs spread wide… These bod­ies are not to be trifled with. How­ever, it doesn’t take much for the light­ness of Schubert’s Fantasy in F minor to become a play­ground for these two per­formers exper­i­enced in urb­an dance. Pick­ing up the rhythm with twitch­ing shoulders or legs, but also launch­ing into a pas de deux that is equally fraternal and com­pet­it­ive, all in lifts, glissés, piqués and dis­tor­ted pointes… With cho­reo­graph­er Marco da Silva Fer­reira, the weight of the bod­ies, the weight of the music and the weight of the clas­sic­al or hip hop codes are lif­ted to offer new vari­ations, and invent a new space for shar­ing open to sens­ib­il­it­ies. From fra­gile attempts to vir­tu­oso absurdit­ies, anoth­er vis­ion of grace.

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Con­cep­tion, cho­reo­graphy, lighting
Marco da Silva Ferreira

Per­formed by
Anka Post­ic, Chloé Robidoux

Sound design and creation
Rui Lima and Sér­gio Mar­tins, from “Fantas­ie in F minor” by Franz Schubert (Pian­ists : Lígia Madeira and Luís Duarte, Record and stu­dio mix : Suse Ribeiro)

Light­ing design
Marco da Silva Fer­reira, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Florent Beaur­uelle and Valentin Pasquet

Aleksandar Prot­ic

Cho­reo­graph­ic assistant
Elsa Dumon­tel

Tech­nic­al man­ager (altern­at­ively)
Florent Beau­ruelle, Nic­olas Bordes, Jérôme Houles or Valen­tin Pasquet

30 minutes

Exec­ut­ive pro­duc­tion Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Normandie
Co-pro­duc­tion Le Tri­dent, Scène nationale de Cher­bourg-en-Cotentin, TANDEM Scène nationale Arras-Douai, Cul­ture Com­mune, Scène nationale du bassin min­i­er du Pas-de-Cal­ais, Espace 1789, Scène con­ven­tion­née d’intérêt nation­al pour la danse de Saint-Ouen, Atelier de Par­is / CDCN
With the sup­port of Min­istère de la Cul­ture « Res­id­ency for Asso­ci­ated Artist » of DRAC Nor­man­die, the Cal­va­dos Departe­ment for a res­id­ency in Terre d’Auge, Caisse des Dépôts, Insti­tut Français for France-Por­tugal Sea­son 2022
Stu­dio provided by La Bibi, Caen

Where and when


September 2024

  • 01
    Cité scolaire François Villon, Paris, avec le Théâtre 14 3:30 pm
  • 01
    Cité scolaire François Villon, Paris, avec le Théâtre 14 6:30 pm
  • 06
    Clarenza – La Bastide Clairence, Festival Le Temps d’Aimer la Danse 7:30 pm
  • 07
    Parvis du Théâtre du Casino municipal, Biarritz, Festival Le Temps d’Aimer la Danse 5:00 pm
  • 14
    Auditorium de l’école de musique, Issoire, avec Agglo Pays d’Issoire 7:00 pm
  • 21
    Place François Mitterrand, Villeparis, avec le Centre culturel Jacques Prévert et Escales Danse 2:30 pm
  • 27
    L’Orange Bleue*, Eaubonne, avec Escales Danse 8:30 pm
  • 28
    Parvis du Théâtre de Brive, with L’empreinte, Scène nationale Brive-Tulle, Festival Respire ! 6:30 pm
  • 29
    Cour de la Cité de l’accordéon et des patrimoines de Tulle, with L’empreinte, Scène nationale Brive-Tulle, Festival Respire ! 4:30 pm

November 2024

  • 20
    Théâtre Le Passage, scène conventionnée, Fécamp 8:30 pm

February 2025

  • 06
    Le Quatrain, Haute-Goulaine 8:00 pm
  • 27
    Le Quartz, Scène nationale, Brest, Festival DañsFabrik 2:30 pm
  • 28
    Le Quartz, Scène nationale, Brest, Festival DañsFabrik 2:30 pm

March 2025

  • 11
    Complexe sportif de Chitenay, avec La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 7:00 pm
  • 12
    Espace culturel de Saint-Laurent-Nouan, avec La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 3:00 pm
  • 12
    Espace culturel de Saint-Laurent-Nouan, avec La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 6:30 pm
  • 13
    La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 6:30 pm
  • 13
    La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 9:00 pm
  • 15
    Salle polyvalente de Saint-Martin-des-Bois, avec La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 5:00 pm
  • 16
    Foyer rural de Theillay, avec La Halle aux grains, Scène nationale, Blois 3:00 pm
  • 21
    Cndc Angers, Festival Conversations 7:30 pm
  • 22
    Cndc Angers, Festival Conversations 6:00 pm
  • 25
    Théâtre de L’Arsenal, Val-de-Reuil 8:00 pm

April 2025

  • 05
    Espace Bruyères Loisirs Culture, Bruyères-le-Châtel, avec le Théâtre Brétigny, scène conventionnée 7:00 pm
  • 11
    Place Laherrère, Pau, avec Espaces Pluriels, scène conventionnée art et création danse 7:00 pm
  • 12
    Place Clémenceau, Pau, avec Espaces Pluriels, scène conventionnée art et création danse 5:00 pm
  • 13
    Terrasse des Halles, Pau, avec Espaces Pluriels, scène conventionnée art et création danse 11:00 am
  • 16
    La Mégisserie, Saint-Junien 3:00 pm
  • 19
    La Maison Danse CDCN, Uzès 12:00 am
  • 20
    La Maison Danse CDCN, Uzès 12:00 am
  • 29
    Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Scène nationale 7:30 pm

May 2025

  • 13
    Espace 233, Théâtre de l’Olivier, Istres 9:30 am
  • 13
    Espace 233, Théâtre de l’Olivier, Istres 2:30 pm
  • 14
    Espace 233, Théâtre de l’Olivier, Istres 9:30 am
  • 14
    Espace 233, Théâtre de l’Olivier, Istres 7:00 pm
  • 15
    Abbaye de Montmajour, with Théâtre d’Arles 7:00 pm
  • 15
    Abbaye de Montmajour, with Théâtre d’Arles 9:00 pm
  • 17
    Théâtre de Grasse 8:00 pm
  • 27
    Équinoxe, Scène nationale de Châteauroux 8:30 pm
  • 31
    Parc forestier de la Poudrerie Vaujours, avec le Théâtre Louis Aragon, scène conventionnée de Tremblay-en-France 5:00 pm

June 2025

  • 05
    L’Octogone, Théâtre de Pully, Switzerland (CH) 8:30 pm

Professional contacts

Bur­eau Les Indépend­ances, Math­ieu Hilléreau
+33 (0)1 43 38 23 71 // +33 (0)6 80 50 40 21


March 2023

  • 11
    Théâtre de Saint-Lô 8:30 pm


  • Télérama le 07/06/2022

    “Oh, there’s a full house. For a dance performance. And not some old commercial pirouetting but ‘conceptual’ dance. At a time when more and more editorials are being published to lament the lack of spectators in movie theatres, the festival June Events’ are packed on this Sunday in June. The enchanting backdrop of the Cartoucherie de Vincennes (where events are organized until June 18) helps draw in the public of course. But the quality of the pieces must be one of the main attractions, surely; at least when they are of the ilk of Fantasie minor, that delightful little music box for streetdancers, a duet which is as cute and smart as a Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner episode and which is but a simple transposition exercise: if Schubert’s piano duet Fantaisie en fa mineur was an urban dance, then it would be choreographed for four feet instead of four hands. Hands and feet are the main characters here, gloved and shod all in black – as a contrast with the small 4sqm white square stage and the white shorts and tracksuit jackets worn by the performers. The four limbs seem to galop around the stage as characters of a cartoon. Hands and feet lead the rest of the body which vibrates, quivers, jerks, frets, and slices through to a music that the dancers bring to light with visual fantasy that recalls “mickeymousing”, a process which designates the extreme synchronization of music and cartoon image one can find in burlesque cinema or Tex Avery cartoons. Hip hop is a fictional and illustrative dance which knows all about this process. And Portuguese choreographer Marco da Silva Ferreira, an urban dance aficionado, couldn’t dream of a better set of dumb characters than the young Caen dancers cast in this project, Anka Postic and Chloé Robidoux, who have been dancing together since they were children. Their bodies, moved by afro-house, elevated by electronic music, voguing or capoeira, play with perfect ease with the key postures of the adventure duet, between fraternity, competition, badass provocation, … This short abstract piece commissioned by the Centre chorégraphique national de Caen becomes a strange urban buddy movie

    Eve Beauvallet

    Full article

  • L'œil d'Olivier le 06/06/2022

    “In the center of a bare stage, a white platform stands out in the darkness. A young woman (Chloé Robidoux) and a young man (Anka Postic) are sitting in front of it, bickering, having fun, egging each other on and helping each other out to put on their gloves and adjust their sheer white outfits. Dressed as twins, the two young artists leap out, hit the ground and enter the ring. They inhabit the stage with their jerky movements, sharp gestures, their energy and their crazy vitality. The performance was devised so it could be performed anywhere and it gives center stage to a communicative, joyful dance, a style that borrows from street dance and house, and which pushes the boundaries of the body within a constricted space. Born of an encounter between CCN de Caen associate artist Marco da Silva Ferreira and two young Caen hip-hop dancers, Fantasie Minor relies on a remixed version of Franz Schubert’s Fantaisie en fa mineur D.940 by the duet composed of Rui Lima and Sérgio Martins. This emblematic composer’s score is revisited, dynamized and customized with electronic sounds and questions the structure of the duet. Are they brother and sister? Friends? Lovers? It is for each of us to decide and to interpret their mimetism and variations as they please.  Chloé Robidoux and Anka Postic’s bodies in a trance, exhausted but happy, have conquered the audience by embodying in such a striking way the quirky, often discordant and always demented grammar of the Portuguese choreographer.”

    Olivier Frégaville

    Full article

  • Danses avec la plume le 13/06/2022

    “Among the astonishing finds of the June Events festival, Marco da Silva Ferreira has presented a miniature piece that can be savored like candy. The up-and-coming Portuguese choreographer was associate artist with Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen. He is expected in the Avignon Festival in July with his latest piece. A self-taught urban dance aficionado, Marco da Silva Ferreira has conceived this miniature duet on a 4mx4m square stage that can be set indoors or outdoors. Fantasie Minor features an impressive duo: Anka Postic and Chloé Robidoux are already on stage when the audience gets in. They are chatting, joking around as if they were on the street. Then the performance starts and we’re hooked. With their gender-neutral outfits, with shorts, black gloves and sturdy black boots, the two performers leap onto the stage, hit it in every direction, throw themselves on the ground and pick each other up, or stand on the tip of their boots like ballerinas in pointe shoes. 4 feet and 4 hands like in Franz Schubert’s Fantaisie pour piano en fa mineur which sets the tempo. We have all the codes and clichés of urban dance, like challenge, humor and competition where it’s better to laugh at oneself. Within 30 minutes, they plow through the minuscule stage in every direction, and from every angle. Between comical pliés and daring lifts, Anka Postic and Chloé Robidoux are irresistible.”

    Jean-Frédéric Saumont

    Full article

  • The New York Times le 26/09/2023

    "an inventive, athletic duo, “Fantasie Minor,” from Marco Da Silva"

    Full article