Flora Détraz
Public rehearsals
Flora Détraz’s piece HURLULA composes a bustling soundscape made of various screams, yells, shouts, and studies their echoes in the movements of the bodies.
For her new piece, Flora Détraz continues her exploration of the connections between voice and movement; HURLULA is a project which revolves around the act of screaming, and it will take two different forms – a concert-performance and a film which can be shown simultaneously as a diptych or separately. Screaming is a raw and spontaneous mode of expression, an overflowing of the voice which can express a great number of different emotions, according to the cultures and contexts. In HURLULA, Flora Détraz works on the articulation between inside and outside; the title is a neologism created from the verbs “hurler” and “hululer” (screaming and hooting in French). A preparatory research phase with singer Sofia Jernberg has allowed Détraz to gather vocal material to imagine a sound composition combining various types of screams, like a chaotic soundscape in which the body is immersed. Flora Détraz focuses on the technical and physical trajectory of sound in the body and its repercussions on movement and emotions. Her dance is a dance of deformation, an overflowing of voice on the body; influenced by the oneirism of experimental surrealist cinema (from Jean Cocteau to David Lynch), the video project will use cinema techniques to explore the details of movement and the inscription of the body in natural landscapes.
Conception Flora Détraz
With Lê Quan-Ninh and Flora Détraz
Sound Claire Mahieux
Light designer Arthur Gueydan
Staging and costumes Nadia Lauro
Advisor Justine Bougerol
Sounding board Yaw Tembe
Duration 1 hour
Production PLI
Coproduction Forecast / Berlin — De, Maison de la danse / Lyon — Fr, La Biennale de Lyon / Lyon — Fr, Charleroi Danse — Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles / Be, Pact-Zollverein /Essen — De, Réseau REM, A‑CDCN (Les Hivernales – CDCN d’Avignon, La Manufacture – CDCN Nouvelle- Aquitaine Bordeaux-La Rochelle, L’échangeur – CDCN Hauts-de-France, Le Dancing CDCN Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Chorège CDCN Falaise Normandie, Le Pacifique – CDCN Grenoble – Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Touka Danses CDCN Guyane, Atelier de Paris / CDCN, Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix – Hauts-de-France, POLE-SUD CDCN / Strasbourg, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse /Occitanie, La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie, La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne) (FR); centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie (accueil-studio) — Fr, Teatro Viriato / Viseu — Pt, LUX Scène nationale de Valence ‑Fr (in progress)
Also supported by Villa Albertine — Residency in New-York, Ecrans Vivants — Onda, Montpellier Danse /Montpellier — Fr, Ma scène nationale / Montbéliard – Fr
Where and when
July 2023
ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm
Limited seating – prior booking is advised