Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Flora Détraz

Public rehearsals

Flora Détraz’s piece HURLULA com­poses a bust­ling sound­scape made of vari­ous screams, yells, shouts, and stud­ies their echoes in the move­ments of the bodies.

For her new piece, Flora Détraz con­tin­ues her explor­a­tion of the con­nec­tions between voice and move­ment; HURLULA is a pro­ject which revolves around the act of scream­ing, and it will take two dif­fer­ent forms – a con­cert-per­form­ance and a film which can be shown sim­ul­tan­eously as a dip­tych or sep­ar­ately. Scream­ing is a raw and spon­tan­eous mode of expres­sion, an over­flow­ing of the voice which can express a great num­ber of dif­fer­ent emo­tions, accord­ing to the cul­tures and con­texts. In HURLULA, Flora Détraz works on the artic­u­la­tion between inside and out­side; the title is a neo­lo­gism cre­ated from the verbs “hurl­er” and “hululer” (scream­ing and hoot­ing in French). A pre­par­at­ory research phase with sing­er Sofia Jern­berg has allowed Détraz to gath­er vocal mater­i­al to ima­gine a sound com­pos­i­tion com­bin­ing vari­ous types of screams, like a chaot­ic sound­scape in which the body is immersed. Flora Détraz focuses on the tech­nic­al and phys­ic­al tra­ject­ory of sound in the body and its reper­cus­sions on move­ment and emo­tions. Her dance is a dance of deform­a­tion, an over­flow­ing of voice on the body; influ­enced by the oneir­ism of exper­i­ment­al sur­real­ist cinema (from Jean Cocteau to Dav­id Lynch), the video pro­ject will use cinema tech­niques to explore the details of move­ment and the inscrip­tion of the body in nat­ur­al landscapes.

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Con­cep­tion Flora Détraz
With Lê Quan-Ninh and Flora Détraz
Sound Claire Mahieux
Light design­er Arthur Gueydan
Sta­ging and cos­tumes Nadia Lauro
Advisor Justine Bougerol
Sound­ing board Yaw Tembe

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion PLI
Cop­ro­duc­tion Fore­cast / Ber­lin — De, Mais­on de la danse / Lyon — Fr, La Bien­nale de Lyon / Lyon — Fr, Charleroi Danse — Centre choré­graph­ique de Wal­lonie-Bruxelles / Be, Pact-Zollver­ein /Essen — De, Réseau REM, A‑CDCN (Les Hivernales – CDCN d’Avignon, La Man­u­fac­ture – CDCN Nou­velle- Aquitaine Bor­deaux-La Rochelle, L’échangeur – CDCN Hauts-de-France, Le Dan­cing CDCN Dijon Bour­gogne-Fran­che-Comté, Chorège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die, Le Paci­fique – CDCN Gren­oble – Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Touka Danses CDCN Guyane, Atelier de Par­is / CDCN, Le Gym­nase CDCN Roubaix – Hauts-de-France, POLE-SUD CDCN / Stras­bourg, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse /Occitanie, La Mais­on CDCN Uzès Gard Occit­an­ie, La Bri­queter­ie CDCN du Val-de-Marne) (FR); centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die (accueil-stu­dio) — Fr, Teatro Viri­ato / Viseu — Pt, LUX Scène nationale de Valence ‑Fr (in progress)
Also sup­por­ted by Villa Alb­ertine — Res­id­ency in New-York, Ecrans Vivants — Onda, Mont­pel­li­er Danse /Montpellier — Fr, Ma scène nationale / Mont­béliard – Fr

Where and when

July 2023

  • 20
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Limited seating – prior booking is advised