Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Odd Meters + gr oo ve

Double bill

Shows - installations

Two soli for an even­ing of cho­reo­graph­ic con­ver­sa­tion, between dif­fer­ent styles and eras for g r oo v e, which bor­rows, samples and revis­its, and between move­ments and rhythms for Odd Meters, which fol­lows the sinu­ous tempo of dreams.

Odd Meters — Mikko Niemistö
Odd Meters starts out with a frantic rhythm that the body fol­lows in quick little steps as a box­er on a ring, then moves towards a game of still­ness and con­nec­tion to the floor. The piece is infused with the exper­i­ence of dream­ing; Finnish chore­go­praph­er and dan­cer Mikko Niemistö has used one of his dreams as the start­ing point for this fever­ish piece and attempts to recre­ate its obses­sion­al, frag­ment­ary and labyrinthic qual­ity. Odd Meters owes its name to the music­al term for irreg­u­lar tem­pos based on odd rhythms: in the piece, they are super­posed and con­fron­ted, as they go through the dancer’s body, who chan­nels its impulses and memor­ies in an impress­ive performance.

g r oo v e — Soa Rat­si­fandri­hana
After work­ing for many years dan­cing oth­er people’s works, French and Mad­a­gas­car nat­ive dan­cer and cho­reo­graph­er Soa Rat­si­fandri­hana has cre­ated her first piece as a col­lage of ref­er­ences that she quotes and trans­forms. Her solo g r oo v e com­bines intim­ate and pop­u­lar dances: the Mad­a­gas­car Afind­rafind­rao, which dates back from the 19th cen­tury, the Amer­ic­an Madis­on, pop­ular­ized in the 1960’s by Afric­an-Amer­ic­an sing­er Al Brown, or the styl­ized turns of pop­ping dan­cer Pepito. A con­stel­la­tion of images skill­fully artic­u­lated and fueled by an energy that gains momentum along the piece.

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Fol­lowed by Odd Meters by Mikko Niemistö
→ au Stu­dio 24, rue de Bretagne

Cho­reo­graphy and per­form­ance Mikko Niemistö
Sta­ging Elina Lifländer
Sound design Johannes Var­to­la and Mikko Niemistö
Light design­er Teo Lanerva
Pro­duc­tion man­ager: Riikka Thitz Advisor Karo­lina Ginman
Dur­a­tion 55 minutes

Pro­duc­tion : Zodiak — Cen­ter for New Dance, Mikko Niemistö
Inter­na­tion­al PR con­sult­ant: Mov­ing in Novem­ber festival
Res­id­en­cies: Kon­st­när­snämndens inter­na­tion­ella dans­pro­gram: Atalante / Bjäl­lansås stu­dio, Ehkä productions
Sup­por­ted by: Kon­een säätiö, Tait­een edis­tämiskeskus, Suo­men kult­tuuri­ra­hasto, Svenska kulturfonden

Fol­lowed by
gr oo ve by Soa Ratsifandrihana
→ au ccn, Halle aux granges, 13 rue du Carel

Cho­reo­graphy, per­form­ance Soa Ratsifandrihana
Music cre­ated by Alban Muren­zi and Sylvain Darrifourcq
Light design­er Mar­ie-Christine Soma
Cos­tume design­er Coco Petitpierre
Cos­tumes Anne Tesson
Light tech­ni­cians Suz­anna Bauer, Diane Guérin (altern­ately)
Sound tech­ni­cians Guil­hem Angot, Jean-Louis Waflart (altern­ately)
Archives and advisor Valéri­anne Poidevin
Advisor Thi-Mai Nguy­en Intern Mylène Monjour
Dur­a­tion 45 minutes

Pro­duc­tion and PR AMA – Arts Man­age­ment Agency : France Mor­in, Cécile Per­richon, Anna Six
Cop­ro­duced with Arts Man­age­ment Agency, Charleroi Danse, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occit­an­ie, Mars Mons arts de la scène, Work­spacebrus­sels, Atelier 210, T2G – Théâtre de Gen­nevil­li­ers, la Souffler­ie scène con­ven­tion­née de Rezé
With the sup­port of the Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Bruxelles Ser­vice de la Danse
With the sup­port of the CNDC Angers, Point­cul­ture, Iles asbl, GC De Krieke­laar, Fab­brica Europa — PARC Per­form­ing Arts Research Centre, Kaaitheat­er and the CND Centre nation­al de la Danse


With the sup­port of Onda – Office nation­al de dif­fu­sion artistique

Where and when

June 2023

  • 14
    Studio 24, then at CCN 8:00 pm