Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Impressions, nouvel accrochage

“Tout-terrain” collection

The power of images

Plunging into paint­ing to cre­ate dance… The cho­reo­graph­er Her­man Diephu­is, an expert in embody­ing images, which he draws from sources ran­ging from ancient paint­ing to pho­to­graphy, likes to cre­ate stor­ies by anim­at­ing bod­ies with an ever so del­ic­ate grace. This duet immerses the audi­ence in the mul­tiple pos­sib­il­it­ies that exist in a rela­tion­ship between two people. We wit­ness a couple under­go­ing mag­ni­fi­cent trans­form­a­tions, the beauty of their encounter so mas­ter­fully expressed by the per­formers through dif­fer­ences and complicity.

Just as Impres­sion­ist paint­ing broke away from the clas­sic­al rules of the Beaux-Arts, the two char­ac­ters start from an aca­dem­ic exist­ence to grav­it­ate, in small touches, towards more every­day real­it­ies. In the pro­cess, oth­er facets of the bond that unites them are revealed, along with oth­er pos­sib­il­it­ies for listen­ing to the oth­er and oth­er ener­gies. A jour­ney from the nine­teenth cen­tury to the present day, in which the clas­sic­al dance evolves into krump, and where even Debussy becomes electro!

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Design, cho­reo­graphy
Her­man Diephuis

In col­lab­or­a­tion with
Mar­vin Clech, Mélanie Gif­fard and Yves Mwamba

Per­formed by
Mélanie Gif­fard, Yves Mwamba

Light­ing design
Cléo Konongo

Sound design
Pierre Boscheron

Tech­nic­al man­ager (altern­at­ively)
Florent Beau­ruelle, Nic­olas Bordes, Jérôme Houles ou Valen­tin Pasquet

35 minutes

Exec­ut­ive pro­duc­tion Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen en Normandie
A cop­ro­duc­tion by Asso­ci­ation ONNO, Chorège / Fal­aise, Com­mun­auté d’Agglomération Mont-Saint-Michel Normandie
This pro­duc­tion bene­fit­ted from the Con­seil départe­ment­al de la Manche’s “Artist res­id­ences in insti­tu­tions of artist­ic edu­ca­tion” scheme

Professional contacts

Bur­eau Les Indépend­ances, Math­ieu Hilléreau
+33 (0)1 43 38 23 71 // +33 (0)6 80 50 40 21


July 2019

  • 11
    Public Rehearsal - Espace danse, Falaise 6:30 pm

November 2019

January 2020

July 2020

  • 12
    La Parenthèse, Avignon, La belle scène saint-denis [Annulé] 12:00 am
  • 13
    La Parenthèse, Avignon, La belle scène saint-denis [Annulé] 12:00 am
  • 14
    La Parenthèse, Avignon, La belle scène saint-denis [Annulé] 12:00 am
  • 15
    La Parenthèse, Avignon, La belle scène saint-denis [Annulé] 12:00 am
  • 16
    La Parenthèse, Avignon, La belle scène saint-denis [Annulé] 12:00 am
  • 26

August 2020

  • 01
    Festival Lieux Mouvants [Reporté] 12:00 am

January 2021

April 2021

May 2021

June 2021

  • 22
    Place Charles de Gaulle, Villers-Bocage [Report du 20.01.21] 6:00 pm
  • 24
    Place Camille Blaizot, Merville-Franceville [Report du 19.01.21] 6:00 pm
  • 25
    Parc du Château de Thury-Harcourt, Le Hom [Report du 09.04.21] 6:00 pm
  • 26
    Cour de la Maison des Associations rue de la Cabottière, Evrecy [Report du 10.04.21] 6:00 pm
  • 29
    devant la Salle des Fêtes, Saint-Germain-du-Crioult [Report du 27.01.21] 6:00 pm

October 2021

April 2022

  • 09
    Théâtre Louis Aragon, scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art et création danse de Tremblay-en-France [Annulé] 7:00 pm

May 2022

  • 14
    La Source, La Guéroulde [Annulé] 3:00 pm

June 2022

  • 05
    Château-d’Auvers, Rendez-vous au Jardin [Annulé] 4:00 pm

January 2023

May 2023

  • 13
    La Source, La Guéroulde [REPORT] 3:00 pm


  • Toute la culture le 10/07/2021

    “[...] Mélanie Giffard and Yves Mwamba perform Herman Diephuis’ Impressions, nouvel accrochage. Backing onto the stage wearing grey T-shirts and navy trousers, they dance as if they were stretching after a night in the country. At the start of the piece, their movements are accompanied by the Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune. The bodies melt, the arms work in unison. Then, when they meet, it’s true love! They whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ears, intertwine, accelerate... Until they leave the countryside for the city, breaking into a vibrant urban duet that carries us away!”

  • L'oeil d'Olivier le 13/07/2021

    “[...] To a piece by Debussy, choreographer Herman Diephuis imagines a dance of impression. He uses the bodies of his dancers as brushes or pens. Over the course of the melody, he sketches out a love story, from first encounter to union, through passion and heartbreak. His grammar is precise, his vocabulary studied, refined and academic. Carried by the feelings and the desire of his two dancers (Mélanie Giffardand and Yves Mwamba), by their disagreement, the writing becomes more lively, less static, the music accelerates. The highly classical movements shift towards street dance, Debussy melds into electro. Bodies become breathless, embrace each other, only to separate again. A beautiful and fleeting moment, a lovely contemporary romance with its highs and lows.”

  • Le bruit du off le 12/07/2021

    “[...] The system of this shared stage gives way to a duet choreographed by Herman Diephuis: Impressions, nouvel accrochage performed by Mélanie Giffard and Yves Mwamba, both of whom surprise with the quality of their dancing and their presence... This piece is particularly well constructed and takes us down paths that we return from with ease through a gentle form underscored by the music of L’après-midi d’un Faune. A relaxed movement, one of pure gesture, free of rough edges, which then gives way to a powerful and committed dance featuring Yves Mwamba’s krump, which captures our attention and solicits our empathy... and yet nothing is forced, everything comes from the power and the attentiveness of the two dancers... A peaceful faun in the torpor of Avignon... a moment worth enjoying... A short and strong piece.”