Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Jonas Chéreau

Public rehearsals

Jonas Chér­eau is work­ing on a cho­reo­graph­ic and music­al trio inspired by his research into joy and laughter. An act of col­lect­ive res­ist­ance through dance, farce, the art of coun­ter­point, fantasy and lightness.

What trig­gers laughter? What is the shape of a happy body? At what point does a situ­ation flip towards com­edy? These are the ques­tions that run through Jonas Chéreau’s latest cre­ation, in keep­ing with his artist­ic approach that puts abstrac­tion and the absurd at the fore­front. The cho­reo­graph­er draws inspir­a­tion from the thera­peut­ic prac­tice of laughter yoga, as well as from research, encoun­ters and per­son­al exper­i­ence. Joie is envis­aged as an act of col­lect­ive res­ist­ance through laughter, dance, farce, the art of coun­ter­point, fantasy and light­ness. The piece unfolds a poly­semy of the smile, open­ing up spaces where the bizarre, the dis­pro­por­tion­ate, the unusu­al and the unex­pec­ted flour­ish. In oth­er words, a place where the clown­ish world emerges from us and with­in us, a car­ni­val of enthu­si­asm, a parade of smiles.

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A show by Jonas Chér­eau Cre­ated and per­formed by Jonas Ché­reau, Cathe­rine Her­shey, Emma Tri­card Music com­poser Chris­tophe Alber­tijn Laugh­ing guests: all the res­id­ents and non-pro­fes­sion­al per­formers of the ven­ue Sta­ging Valé­rie Castan Cos­tumes Mar­cos Simoes Admi­nis­tra­tion, pro­duc­tion, dis­sem­in­a­tion Fran­çois Maurisse Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Res­id­en­cies and copro­duc­tion centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Nor­man­die, with­in the Accueil-stu­­di­o/­mi­n­is­tère de la Cul­ture pro­gram, Le Paci­fique CDCN Gre­noble (res­id­ency and copro­duc­tion) · La Mai­son CDCN Uzès Gard Occi­ta­nie (res­id­ency, copro­duc­tion and pro­gram­ing) · Char­le­roi Danse (res­id­ency & copro­duc­tion) · Kuns­ten­cen­trum BUDA (res­id­ency, ongo­ing copro­duc­tion) Ate­lier 210 – Bruxelles (copro­duc­tion and pro­gram­ing) · La Pra­tique, Ate­lier de Fab­rique Artis­tique en Région Centre Val-de-Loire (res­id­ency) · La Bri­que­te­rie CDCN Val de Marne (res­id­ency) · Bain Pub­lic – Saint Nazaire (ongo­ing residency)

Where and when

October 2025

  • 02
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Réservations obligatoires, jauge limitée