Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Katerina Andreou

Public rehearsals

For her first col­lect­ive piece, Kater­ina Andreou – asso­ci­ate artist at the ccncn – works in reac­tion to the con­fu­sion felt when attempt­ing to cre­ate a space in which to feel more sol­id. A frank and dir­ect col­lect­ive ges­ture where play and fic­tion find their way.

Kater­ina Andreou turns the state of con­fu­sion in which we find ourselves in a soci­ety where everything goes too fast and too badly into a driv­ing force. Driv­en by an over­rid­ing need to act and move, the cho­reo­graph­er sketches out a ter­rit­ory in which we can feel more sol­id, more integ­rated, which she is now explor­ing with three oth­er dan­cers. BLESS THIS MESS draws its inspir­a­tion from punk, not as an aes­thet­ic move­ment, but as a prac­tice: a punk ges­ture is a frank, dir­ect and neces­sary ges­ture for those who act, one that car­ries with it an ele­ment of play­ful­ness and absurdity. The cho­reo­graphy and sound work allow the sounds of the world to fil­ter through, and con­front the need for fic­tion and images that the con­text of the the­at­ric­al space calls for. Cre­ated with long-time col­lab­or­at­or Cris­ti­an Soto­may­or, the sound device is the tun­ing fork that will tune the bod­ies of the four per­formers, syn­chron­ized in the way they under­stand and respond to what they hear. The bod­ies explore a state of urgency, car­ried by a par­tic­u­lar energy, a tone that runs through them inde­pend­ently of move­ment. Against con­fu­sion, against everything.

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Con­cep­tion Kater­ina Andreou Per­form­ance Kater­ina Andreou, Lily Brieu Nguy­en, Bap­tiste Caza­ux, Melissa Guex Sound install­a­tion Kater­ina Andreou with Cris­ti­an Soto­may­or Space and light­ing Yan­nick Fou­assi­er Out­side Eye Cos­t­as Kek­is Tech­nic­al dir­ec­tion Thomas Roul­leau Gal­lais Pro­duc­tiontour­ing Elod­ie Perrin

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion: BARK
Cop­ro­du­cers: CCN de Caen en Nor­man­die dans le cadre du dis­po­si­tif « Artiste asso­cié », KLAP Mais­on pour la danse à Mar­seille, ADC Genève, Athens Epi­daur­us Fest­iv­al, T2G théâtre de Genevil­li­ers, Fest­iv­al d’Automne à Par­is, Next Fest­iv­al, les Subs – lieu vivant d’expéri­ences artis­tiques, Lyon, Mais­on de la Danse, Lyon — Pôle européen de Créa­tion –, CCN de Gren­oble dans le cadre de l‘accueil stu­dio, CCNR, Centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Ril­lieux-la-Pape, ICI—CCN Mont­pel­li­er Occit­an­ie / dir­ec­tion Chris­ti­an Rizzo,
Res­id­en­cies: Espace Pasolini, Kun­sten­centrum BUDA Courtrai

With the sup­port of Dir­ec­tion des Affaires Cul­turelles Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, de la Caisse des Dépôts, de Dance Reflec­tions by Van Cleef & Arpels

Bless This Mess was cre­ated in part at the water­mill cen­ter — a labor­at­ory for per­form­ance in april 2023

Where and when

March 2024

  • 28
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Entrée libre sur réservations – jauge limitée