Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Los inescalables Alpes

buscando a Currito

Shows - installations

Accom­pan­ied on stage by musi­cians, a sing­er and a choir, Span­ish dan­cer María del Mar Suárez revis­its fla­menco, incor­por­at­ing krump in par­tic­u­lar. A power­ful show based on impro­visa­tion and con­ceived as a path to the sal­va­tion of the body.

Fla­menco singing and music first occupy the stage and catch the atten­tion, before a little light reveals the body of María del Mar Suárez, firmly anchored to the ground. She pros­trates her­self on the ground, beg­ging and writh­ing. As Los ines­cal­ables Alpes, buscando a Cur­rito pro­gresses, the light, ges­tures and sounds become more vivid, before giv­ing way once again to dark­ness. The piece is thus con­ceived as a jour­ney, a pil­grim­age sym­bol­iz­ing sal­va­tion, trans­port­ing us from one point to anoth­er like an adven­ture, a tragedy. María del Mar Suárez – who holds degrees in dance and theat­er – remains faith­ful to her prac­tice of a hybrid, per­son­al and mod­ern fla­menco, here with a hint of krump. Vis­cer­al and hyp­not­ic, Los ines­cal­ables Alpes, buscando a Cur­rito is her third piece.

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Idea, Dir­ect­or and per­former María del Mar Suárez / La Chachi
Sing­er Lola Dolores
Gui­tar Fran­cisco Martin
Per­cus­sion Isaac Garcia
Choir Al alba rociera
Light­ing design­er Aza­el Ferrer
Sound José Lavado
Writer Cris­ti­an Alcaraz
Dram­at­urgy assist­ant Alberto Cortés
Cos­tumes Nantu
Video 99paginas / Tan­dem 759
Pro­duc­tion Luisa Hedo et May Nora

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Spon­sor­ships Uni­versité de Malaga, Région d’An­dal­ousie et la Fond­a­tion Nina Carasso

Where and when

December 2024

  • 17
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm


Price 8€