Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Marcela Levi & Lucía Russo

Public rehearsals

A pro­ject cre­ated with dan­cers Joana Levi, Lucas Fon­seca, Mar­tim Gueller and Wash­ing­ton Silva, in which cho­reo­graph­ers Mar­cela Levi and Lucía Russo reflect on the notion of polyrhythm.

After their impress­ive Let It Burn, a solo per­formed in Caen in Septem­ber 2021, the Improvável Produções com­pany is now work­ing on this new piece, which con­tin­ues their work on see­ing the world dif­fer­ently. The notion of poly­rhythm, in its music­al sense but also in its polit­ic­al one, is what inspires them today: in a fem­in­ist dis­course, it is used to make tra­di­tion­ally ignored group dynam­ics vis­ible and ques­tion how his­tory has hitherto been writ­ten, from the point of view of the vic­tors. Poly­rhythm also allows het­ero­gen­eous voices and bod­ies to coex­ist, as in the trop­ic­al forest. It is the oth­er dir­ec­tion used by the com­pany in 3 against 2: Psy­cho Trop­ics: to devel­op a vis­ion of the forest as a net­work of inter­twined lives and a sym­phony of inter­weaved sounds. The piece sees the forest as a poly­rhythm and pro­poses an ima­gin­at­ive exer­cise which seeks to blur dis­tances and invent unlikely encounters.

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Concept and cre­ation Mar­cela Levi & Lucía Russo
Per­form­ance and co-cre­at­ors Lucas Fon­seca, Mar­tim Gueller and Wash­ing­ton Silva
Guest per­former and sta­ging advisor Joana Levi
Assist­ant Lucas Fonseca
Light design­er and lead tech­ni­cian Laura Salerno
Sound design­er Levi & Russo et Gueller
Cos­tumes designed by Levi & Russo

Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Pro­duc­tion: Improvável Produções
Cop­ro­duc­tion: CCN de Caen en Nor­man­die for theAc­cueil-stu­dio pro­gram, Jul­id­ans, Espaço Cul­tur­al Sítio Canto da Sabiá
Sup­por­ted by: Centro Coreo­gráfico da Cid­ade do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria Muni­cip­al de Cul­tura, O Rumo do Fumo (Lis­bon), Retomada Cul­tur­al RJ 2/Secretaria de Estado de Cul­tura e Eco­nomia Criativa/Estado do Rio de Janeiro
PR: Some­thing Great

Where and when

June 2023

  • 29
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Limited seating – prior booking is advised