Mathilde Monfreux
Public rehearsals
Mathilde Monfreux and the Compagnie des Corps Parlants are working on an interactive conference inspired by contact improvisation, to question – in a humorous way – the boundaries between art, sport and dance.
Developed in the early ’70s in the USA, contact improvisation straddles the boundaries between performance, experimental research, sport and somatic practices. On the bangs of institutions, it conveys clichés with which Mathilde Monfreux dialogues, playing with the separation between art, sport and dance, in the course of a lecture-performance that invites the audience to shift their gaze. The conference and its narrative are rooted in a question put to professionals and novices alike: “Are you one of those people who believe that contact improv has been saved by covid?” The testimonies and personal accounts thus gathered will intersect the history of this historic practice and its community, as an echo to contemporary questions linked to care, feminist and ecological poetics. Dance will emerge between story and practice, in a movement nourished by humor and philosophy. In the same vein, Mouvementements intends to forge a new link with spectators, by allowing them to question their expectations and representations, but also by plunging them into the heart of an immersive device. An experiment in the play of writing in space to experience different qualities of attention, like a score guided through different spaces, movements and postures.
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Conception Mathilde Monfreux With the collaboration of /narratives, conference and interviews Emma Bigé, Virginie Thomas , Lauriane Houbey Assistant choreographers Laura Hicks, Clémence Diény.. Sound design Raphaële Dupire Staging Jérémy Damian with Lauriane Houbey Tech and video Trecy Afonso Duration 1 hour
Where and when
October 2024
ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm